9 Pagan Virtues

 This is a personal project to help me understand the Pagan Virtues better.

August 2024
In 2023, I tried to write my first essay on the Virtues because they were the first ones of the Dedicant Path list.  I spent about 9 days on them, starting my mornings with daily prayer and meditation.  Then I'd draw tarot cards--I believe I use the Wildwood Tarot--with Garanus Crane.  I'd reflect on those sessions.

I decided to hold off on writing the essay, and instead just sit with the virtues for a while.  Live life with them--seeing them in my life as I did.  I often compared them to the Pillars that I still followed from when I was a Hellenic Pagan--they weren't that different.  

My Pillars are:

  1. Arete - Be your best self.
  2. Metriotes - Everything in Moderation.
  3. Hagneia - Avoid Miasma.
  4. Sophia - Pursuit of Wisdom.
  5. Sophrosune - Self Discipline.
  6. Xenia - Hospitality.
  7. Eusebeia - Revere and Be Loyal to the Gods.

This time around--links below--on Sunday mornings, I reflect on the Virtue, meditate on a prayer written by Rev. Dangler about the Spirit of said Virtue, reflect on that, and then ask a deity about what rune(s) They feel best represent the Virtue.  I spend a week working with it--seeing it in my life and such.

Nine Pagan Virtues (page 13 of Our Own Druidry):

  1. Wisdom - "Good judgement, the ability to perceive people and situations correctly, deliberate about and decide ton the correct response."
  2. Piety / Reflection - "Correct observances of ritual and social traditions; the maintenance of the agreements, both personal and societal, that we humans have with the Gods and Spirits.  Keeping the Old Ways, through ceremony and duty."
  3. Vision - "The ability to broaden one's perspective to have a greater understanding of our place / role in the cosmos, relating to the past, present, and future."
  4. Courage - "The ability to act appropriately in the face of adversity."
  5. Perseverance - "Drive; the motivation to pursue goals even when that pursuit becomes difficult."
  6. Integrity - "Honor; being true to one's self and to others, involving oath-keeping, honesty, fairness, respect and self-confidence."
  7. Hospitality - "Acting as both gracious host and appreciative guest, involving benevolence, friendliness, humor, and the honoring of a gift for a gift."
  8. Moderation - "Cultivating one's appetites so that one is neither a slave to them nor drive to ill health (mental or physical) through excess or deficiency."
  9. Fertility - "Bounty of mind, body, and spirit involving creativity and industry, an appreciation of the physical and sensual, nurturing these qualities in others."



    1. Ar nDraiocht Fein.  Our Own Druidry.  ADF Publishing.  2009.
    2. Dangler, Rev. Michael J.  The Fire on Our Hearth: A Devotional of Three Cranes Grove, ADF.  Second Edition.  Garanus Publishing.  2010.
