Wheel of the Year

Main blog has my ever changing and evolving Sacred Year, but for this blog, I'm going to focus on the moons and the 8 High Days.


I'm still learning what each of these moons is about.

I celebrate new, full, and dark moons.  (Still learning Norse moon stuff)
  • New Moon - First Sliver of Moon.  Hellenic - Noumenia. New Lunar Month. Beginnings, Potential.
  • Full Moon - Whole Moon.  Wide variety of magiks and divinations.
  • Dark Moon - No moon.  Hellenic - Hekate's Deipnon.  End of Lunar Month.  Ancestral.  Chthonic.  Rest.  Bane magiks.  Banishing.  Divination.

8 High Days

4 Quarters
4 Cross-Quarters
Nov 1st - Samhain
  • Honoring the Ancestors of Blood, Spirit, and Place.
Dec 19-22 - Winter Solstice / Midwinter
  • Celebrating the Return of the Sun.
Feb 1st - Imbolc
  • Honoring Brigid.
March 19 - 22 - Spring Equinox
  • Celebrating the First Day of Spring.
May 1st - Beltane
  • d
June 19-22 - Summer Solstice / Litha / Midsummer
  • Celebrating the First Day of Summer.
August 1st - Lughnasadh
  • Honoring Lugh.
September 19-22 - Fall Equinox
  • Celebrating the First Day of Fall.
