My Common Resources

I'm making this page for the resources that I often use regarding my studies, essays, liturgy, and ritual writing.  I don't have the best memory, so having this page is going to be good for me, too.  

It's not all just druid resources, nor is it all scholarly and not all of it may be piece of the PIE (Proto Indo European).  I think regular people, pagan and other, with personal experiences are valid resources, too.  Scholar and not, each have their place.

I'm eclectic and I just don't have one Hearth Culture, mine is mostly Hellenic and Norse at the moment, so expect a--hopefully healthy-mixture.

Some resources are just favorite authors, so instead of listing all of their books and articles, I just listed their websites.

I also tend to info-dump, but it is numbered and in alphabetical order.  Good luck!

If a book has a lot of page flags, 
that's a good indicator of how much I like and use it.


  1. Ar nDraiocht Fein.  Our Own Druidry.  2009.
  2. Avende, Jan. Blackwelder, Sara.  Thomas, Kirk.  Malik, Lisa Wasilkowsky.  The Hearth Keepers Way: An ADF Hearth Keepers Guide.  2019.
  3. Crawford, Jackson.  The Wanderer's Havamal.  2019.
  4. Crawford, Jackson.  The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes.
  5. Dangler, Michael.  The ADF Dedicant Path Through the Wheel of the Year 5th Edition.  2016.
  6. Dangler, Michael.  A Crane Breviary and Guide Book: Rituals for the Cranes of ADF, when they must kindle their own Good Fire.  2017.
  7. Dangler, Michael.  Song of the Flame: A Devotional Prayerbook.  2020.
  8. Davidson, H.R. Ellis.  Gods and Myths of Northern Europe.  1964.
  9. Durkan, Maire.  Circle of Frith: A Devotional to Frigg and Her Handmaidens.  2021.
  10. Gerrard, Katie.  Seidr: The Gate Is Open.  2011.
  11. Lafayllve, Patricia M.  A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru. 2013.
  12. Heath, Cat.  Elves, Witches & Gods: Spinning Old Heathen Magic in the Modern Day.  2021.
  13. Mountfort, Paul Rhys.  Nordic Runes: Understanding, Casting, and Interpreting the Ancient Viking Oracle.  2001.
  14. Opsopaus, John.  The Oracles of Apollo: Practical Ancient Greek Divination for Today.2017.
  15. Remer, Molly.  Earthprayer, Birthprayer, Lifeprayer, Womanprayer.  2015.
  16. Remer, Molly.  Goddess Devotional: A Praybook Honoring the Sacred.  2019.
  17. Sannion.  Bearing Torches: A Devotional Anthology for Hekate.  2009.
  18. Serith, Ceisiwr.  A Book of Pagan Prayer.  2002, 2018.
  19. Smith, Ryan.  The Way of Fire and Ice: The Living Tradition of Norse Paganism.  2019.
  20. Ward, Terence P.  First and Last: A Devotional for Hestia.  2017.

Websites, Articles, and Videos

  1. Ar nDraiocht Fein: Our Own Druidry.  2024.  (newer site); (older cite)
  2. Avende, Jan.  Hellenic Druid.
  3. Ballard, Byron H.  My Village Witch.
  4. Corrigan, Ian.  Into the Mound.
  5. Crawford, Jackson.
  6. Daimler, Morgan.
  7. Driscoll, Dana.  The Druids Garden.  2022.
  8. Grimfrost.
  9. Jackal.  The Barking Ash.
  10. Mankey, Jason.  Patheos: Raise the Horns.
  11. Nordic Animism.
  12. Olson, Danielle Prohom.  Gather Victoria: Doe, A Deer, A Female Reindeer: The Spirit of Winter Solstice.  2017.
  13. Serith, Ceisiwr.
  14. Stone Creed Grove, ADF
  15. Three Cranes Grove, ADF
  16. The Troth.
  17. Urglaawe: Deitsch-Pennsylvania German Heathenry.
  18. Virtual Fire Proto-Grove, ADF
  19. Wigington, Patti.  Learn Religions.
  20. Wiginton, Patti.
  21. ...

I used to be a big fan of Diana Paxson's trance-possession and rune books.  As of may 2024, I have removed those resources.
