Piety Reflection: Stepping Out of My Own Way

Ooof, how could I mess this one up? I said that August Rodan--one of my favorite sculptors--sculpted one of my favorite sculptures (say that five times fast), The Pieta. Nope, it was Michelangelo. Apparently that's one of those things that my brain thought wasn't important to know and deleted it to make room for other stuff.


The week of Piety was interesting.  I was dealing with a lot of pain week due to over indulgence, and a lot of praying.  My gods have told me to ask for more help from them, instead of dealing with it all myself.  So I listened and I asked.

After some offerings and promises made, They really did deliver.  

Usually when I try to do healing magik on myself, it doesn't always work because of self doubt.  

I worked the healing magik with Them, which I always do for others.  I tried different methods and eliminated that negative self-talk that tends to plague my life.  I drew runes on the area that was hurting, and did some galdr.  They also gave me the rune Thurisaz, which I wasn't sure how that was a healing rune.  It's a rune of conflict, but it can also be a rune of protection, in the form of a Shield of Thorns, which I've use numerous times in protection magiks with great success.  Although I do understand that sometimes in order to heal, what's harming us needs to be destroyed, right?  As the saying goes, a witch who can't hex, can't heal.  

But I didn't use it, because I didn't understand how it could be used for healing in the moment--I was exhausted from dealing with pain, from getting my sleeping schedule on track for back-2-school week, and from beginning to do a detox.  No one was really explaining why I should use Thurisaz--They even showed me Mjolnir, and it didn't didn't click.  

I'm no stranger to magikal/spiritual experimentation, but I didn't really want to experiment with my health.

I Saturday night, I was having another flare up and really hurting.  So I tranced for help.  What was I not doing?  I saw Thurisaz again.  Loki told me to draw the damn rune on my body, with the others.  So I listened.  Thor appeared and reminded me that it's also His rune.  He just wanted to help...so accept and draw the damn rune.  

In the morning, the pain was gone and hasn't come back.  

A lesson in Piety.  Listen to Them, even if you don't understand why.  When They tell you to do something, just do it.  Have faith in Them.  

Yup.  Being a witch for 30 years, and while I'm getting better at healing others, I gotta get used to the truth that I'm worth healing, too.  I can do it--They'll help.

-Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn Wren
