Pagan Virtue #3: Vision

 I'm actually super distracted today.  Today I totally forgot that it was even Sunday, and that I've been doing this project.  I'm deleting my Facebook account that I've had for 18 years today at the 18th hour, which is 6pm.  I've been preparing for that.  Doesn't sound like a big deal, but FB's sadly been a huge part of my life.  Lots to do.  I've been preparing for two months for this day.

I've also gotten a lot done today, so the distraction hasn't been totally chaotic. 

I'm also also doing a dairy detox, so my body isn't exactly happy this weekend.


Learning different perspectives to have 
greater understanding of our place in the cosmos,
relating to the past, present, and future.

Spirit of Vision
by Rev. Dangler

I call to the Spirit of Vision,
Who brightens the eye
In the swirling and opaque mists
Let me see clearly when the veil is hard to piece!

You who ignite my focus,
Making the important plain
And setting it alight;
A beacon in the dark that shines!

Spirits, you from the unformed
Making it knowable to me,
Showing me a path of action
That is right and good with the cosmos.

Spirits of Vision,
Be with me today.

So be it!


  • Inspiration
  • Clarity
  • Focus
  • Sitting on a fence to see all sides of a situation, instead of being on the ground, unable or unwilling to listen to understand (Wisdom).
  • Vision is on the fence post listening, to understand the different sides.
  • Vision is sometimes the mediator in a fight.
  • Vision is sometimes the Voice of Reason.
  • The fence post allows one to listen, learn, from a place of safety and perhaps patience and time.  To think.  Before formulating an opinion, a plan, a solution.  
  • Vision can be Problem Solving.
  • The Hanged Man upside down to gain new perspectives.  Like Odin hanging from Yggdrasil to gain the runes from the Well of Knowledge.
  • Temperance - The Bartending Card.  The listener.  The pourer of drinks, listening to confessions, and perhaps mid-wifing problems.
  • Politics could use a lot of Wisdom & Vision.  Sadly they thrive more on hype, ignorance, fear, and anger.
  • I was actually planning a photographic scene today for this blog--of a wandering fox.  An image for my blog.  To get readers.  Form new perspectives.  Gain comments.  Learn new perspectives.  Mix my "drink" and drink deep the new ideas.
Show me a rune for Vision!

As I shuffle, I see Freyr and Odin.

I saw Ansuz.

The rune from Freyr: Ansuz.  Wisdom.  Clarity.  Breathe.  

"Slowdown meditation kind of breathing.  The kind needed for clarity and problem solving.
Shit stirer.  Problem solver.
Solver of his own problems.  Most human problems are within problems.  Problems they start with themselves within themselves.
At least Loki has the grace to solve them himself--to pick up his own shit."

The rune from Odin: Laguz - Flow.  

"Intuition.  Subconscious.
Vision is more than sitting on a fence post.  its going within yourself to find the answers.
Gather the knowledge.
Talk to others
Ponder more
Ponder Ponder Ponder
Let it flow
through understood thoughts
through fingers
through ink
through paint
through togue
Controlled thought out
Ansuz Laguz Raidho Berkana Algiz
But to obtain this knowledge 
One must sacrifice 
What you think you know
What you think you've been taught
What are you willing to sacrifice for knowledge?
For Peace?
For gain?
What is your intention?
What will you sacrifice?
And for what?
What is your vision?
What is the end game, humans?"

- Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn Wren


  1. Ar nDraiocht Fein.  Our Own Druidry.  2009.
  2. Dangler, Michael.  Song of the Flame: A Devotional Prayerbook.  2020.
