Pagan Virtue #8: Moderation

Do not over/under indulge

Spirit of Moderation
by Rev. Dangler

Firmly placed, set within the bosom of the Earth,
I stand upon firm foundation.
The rock of moderation is fertile ground
That offers me lessons I honor.

Upon this rock, I learn Self-Discipline;
Reminded to trust myself and my fellows,
I let go of judgement and fear.
Moderation, keep my hand firmly in control.

When I pause, reflecting, you bring to light
The stillness and center the cosmos offers.
From within, I remind myself to hold to Reliability,
And to be that rock for others when the seas are rough.

No matter the storm or winds I encounter,
I return to you, Moderation,
To find understanding joy in the ordinary.

Reflections and Notes:
  • Hellenic Pillar of Metriotes - Everything in moderation.
  • Hellenic Pillar of Sophrosune - Self Discipline.
  • The witch rune Crossroads - Rune of Decisions, and for me over time, Self Discipline.
  • Dionysus, a god of many things, especially Moderation.  I know many addicts who've been sober for many years because of Him.  Many of his myths show what happen when someone overindulges in their vices--the chaos, the pain, the tragedy.  Dionysus can teach to have fun, but do so responsibility and with accountability.
  • Becoming gluten-free and removing many other foods that I'm allergic/sensitive to hasn't been easy, but through self discipline, it's been possible.
  • I'm Au-ADHD, which means part of my brain wants order, structure, and routine, but the other part of my brain wants chaos.  So setting and sticking to routines is very difficult for me.  Even things like self care--brushing my teeth--is an immense challenge.  So far, for a little over a month, I've been sticking to a routine--and often forcing myself to: within the 9pm hour, I floss, brush, and mouthwash.  And I also use brushing as a way to combat my cravings, since I don't like eating after mouthcare.  Years of severe depression and self loathing have left my teeth in poor condition and I can't afford the dental work that I need, so I'm been diligent in sticking to this routine.
  • Moderation is also eating smaller portions, because most people--particularly here in America--overeat.  I've been practicing portion control since January '24. 
    I've been low carb since 2011, until 2020, when I became gluten-free.  Gluten-Free affected everything since gluten seems to be in everything.  I had to start paying attention to ingredient labels and googling foods that didn't have label or used different words for gluten (I also began to realize how many chemicals are in our foods and just because it's healthy doesn't mean it is for everyone).  I wasn't as strict on my low carb diet as I had been because of the new gluten-free lifestyle.  I started paying attention to how my body reacted to other things and began cutting them out as well (In years past, I stopped eating fast food because it all tastes the same--like grease--and due to not having a gallbladder, I can't digest grease and end up vomiting it up.  This year, I also gave up bananas, oatmeal, and cereal, and I'm slowly removing my another favorite food--pizza--too).  
    With all of these and more changes to my diet, I still was having issues losing weight, although I was holding steady at 270-280 lbs, instead of 300-315lbs (at 6'2) which has plagued me for most of my married life.  I realized it's because I was trying to do everything at once--portion control, low-carb, and I never counted calories because I was too busy counting carbs.  It was a lot for me.  I realized that I need to break it down: Portion Control first, then strict low-carb, and finally calories counting.  Portion control makes it easier to do the other two.  
    I was doing well with portion control, but then I started focusing on my terrible posture, and from my terrible posture to my dental hygiene.  I can't seem to focus on more than one thing--and I know not all of it has to due to lack of self control--my brain is just wired differently.  It takes me a hella more effort to focus on more than one big thing at a time.  I'm slowly getting back to portion control.
    I am doing better over time and figuring out what kind of balance works best for me, it's just slow.
    Eventually, I also want to work on how much processed foods we eat, too.  
  • Moderation in exercise.  From 2015-1019, I was in an exercise routine--5-6 times a week--cardio, jogging, belly dancing, weight lifting, yoga, dancer stretches, etc, even through a pregnancy.  I was the healthiest that I've ever been!
    Then in 2019, I got food poisoning from McDonalds and severely hurt my back throwing up.  I even had to go to the ER because I couldn't move and was having excruciating back spasms.  It took me a long time to heal.  During that time, I fell into deep dark depression and gained all the weight and more back. 
    It took a lot of "Heal the Mind, Heal the Body" to get to where I am now.  I also have osteoarthritis in my left knee now, but that hasn't been as detrimental to my health as it would've been in the past.  If anything, it's helped me focus even more on being more healthy, sticking to my diets and my exercise routines.  I've even started slowly getting back into belly dancing.  There's a lot of movements I can't do because of my back, but there's other things that I can do, and plenty of programs out there for fat and disabled dancers.
  • Moderation takes time, effort, trial and error, support, self discipline, and drive.  My mental and physical health has been a roller coaster, with many highs and lows, but I haven't given up.  Just rethinks, retries, different tries.  Understanding the way my brain works and that I have eating disorders and food addictions, and the mental work--healing--that goes into all of that.  Taking breaks and actually resting to heal.  True self care.  So on.
  • Moderation is a lot.
  • There's also a great deal of it when learning a spiritual path and especially witchcraft.  Both take a great deal of Self Discipline.  Learning how to balance things, which is something that I've heard my students say--that they never have the time to practice, read, or learn more about their path or their craft.  Or that they want to learn more skills, but no time...although they have time for their tech and drama addictions.  Moderation is making time, learning how to balance.  Learning how to fight your addictions.  Time spent on your phone, PC, gaming console could be time devoted to a new skill, deepening your spirituality, and practicing your craft.  But you have to work for it.  Many people I've learned don't have that drive.  They'd prefer to stay in their toxic comfort zones, and let their desires and passions fall to the sidelines.  
    I've been there, until I reached a point and made a huge change.  Recently, I deleted my 18-year-old Facebook account.  Best decision that I've made.  Some grief and loneliness, but overall much better for my mental health and in-person relationships.  Wish I had done it sooner!
  • Hestia taught me about my drama addictions--diving into those comments for hate, for fighting.  Not much is written on Hestia because She didn't care about drama.  She cares about Her family and home.  A few years ago, I took pages from Her book and began to fight that addiction.
  • This year, it's been Hekate helping me to stay away from politics.  It's been trying and terrifying, but I've listened to Mama Hekate.  I've been doing my part magikally with others, and will be do my part mundanely, too.  But more than that?  I'm staying away from politics.  It's too easy to get swept up in that drama, that hate, that fear, and forget hope and community.  
  • Moderation is immense patience, which isn't an easy skill for this Aries, but I've been getting years of lessons in patience and have gotten better.
Enough about my reflection.  Spirits--Freyr's come to the front--show me a Rune for Moderation!  I already see Isa - Ice - Rest, Stagnation, Slow, Thaw, Patience.

Freyr has picked the From the Well Elder Futhark deck.
  • Fehu - The Rune of Wealth, Generosity, and Good Fortune.
  • Dagaz - The Rune of a New Day and Potential.
  • Kenaz - The Rune of Guidance and Journeys.
Ah, I get it.  

He's told me to draw another and it's Pertho - The Rune of Gaming, Gambling, and Fun.  A rune that harkens back to Dionysus!

- Dedicant and Hearth Keeper Foxlyn Wren

  1. Ar nDraiocht Fein. Our Own Druidry. 2009.
  2. Dangler, Michael. Song of the Flame: A Devotional Prayerbook. 2020.
