Ritual Thinkin

 The depression is lifting a bit, I'm not so down in the dumps.  Last night during Virtual Fire's Hellenic Culture ritual--led by Pete--he asked me what deities were present.  I had declined doing the omen this round, but deities stepped forward: Loki (the spice of ritual life), Heimdall, Frigg, the Doe Persephone, Venus, and a few Others that I can't remember right now.  Pete also felt Hekate and had dogs barking outside.  I also felt Freyja and another Priest mentioned Her.  Others invited Hel, Cernunnos, Athena, a couple of Others.  Then I kept seeing the symbols of a Brown Bear, a Red Lush Rose, and Gold.  Don't know what they meant, but someone suggested possibly Aphrodite?  I think another attendee did mention Her.  Maybe.  I didn't get any additional info, so.  *shrug*

The full moon is coming up, and the Fall Equinox, too.  I thought about volunteering for a ritual week before/week of the equinox honoring Persephone's Descent, but alas, those two days were already scheduled.  I may still write an ADF style ritual for this holy day for myself.  Even though Hekate's told me this year instead of going down into the Underworld, to stay up at the surface and follow Sunna.  

Course I can write both...although I need more thought for Sunna and fall--I've done Persephone's Descent for many years--it oughta be easy to COoR it.

There is a day on October 23rd available, but October's are so heavy with spirit energy and grief that I tend to have bouts of depression during that month, or I'm just low on the spoons.  I also tend to do a lot of psychic work for clients, so when I'm not working, Hekate tends to "turn me off" psychically.  I saw another opening in November.  But I don't know what I'd do for that date.  I honor our Native American ancestors in November and the Last (domestic) Harvest of the year on Thanksgiving, but not much else, other than typical moon stuff and Midfall on the 1st.  I could focus on Thor's agricultural side--He has been more in the front as of late.  But I haven't worked enough with the side of Him to write a ritual, you know?    I keep seeing Sif, but I know Her even less.  

Which isn't an issue, I've had deities that I don't know step up in the past who want Their story to be shared.  It's not for me, but someone in the audience.

Well, I'm in a writing mood today, so we'll see what happens.

- Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn 
