The Eclipse

 The total eclipse yesterday was incredible. Photos and videos don't do it justice, even the highly detailed ones. It was just awesome. My oldest was outside every half hour checking the skies for clouds and once the eclipse began around 2pm in our area, he was recording the times and "sun bites" and "sun crescents".

I didn't take great photos, because I wasn't sure that I wanted to risk damaging my old DSLR. For my phone and DSLR I did use the glasses for some shots. Then for the big event, when it's safe to look without the glasses, I took a couple not so great pix. But really I just stood there and enjoyed this awesome surreal scene with my kids.

Our neighborhood was cheering.

My kids were celebrating.

My eldest was excited to see the stars.

It was insane and beautiful. The energy was so peaceful and powerful and just awesome. No strange animal stuff, just silence, minus the cheering humans. Of course my lack of good lens didn't do it justice.

I was jittery all day due to the overwhelming excitement from people, then as the eclipse built, there was intense peace. Once it was over, I was buzzing with energy, but also drained. It was difficult to ground from it. I mostly just chilled out the rest of the day and then went to bed early.

Today I have an "eclipse headache" but I'm staying hydrated, resting and doing good. Although I'm wondering just how good those eclipse glasses were.

I hope yall are doing good, too.

Happy Tuesday.

- Dedicant and Hearth Keeper Foxlyn Wren
