Gift for a Gift

Last night I attended Virtual Fire Proto-Grove's Loki and Sigyn ritual. During omens I drew my own runes from these two. Basically this message is a duel blessing from Them over my family and relationships with the Shining Ones, but another incredible thing was this black hair.

No one in my family has black hair, much less this length. We don't have pets.  Only I enter my office.  Nor was it there before.  I was quite perplexed by it.

Loki confirmed it was from Them, a sign of acceptance of offerings and a "gift for a gift". I put the hair someplace safe.
Thank you Kindreds and Spirits All!

Trickster entities tend to get a lot of hate and dislike, but personally I rather enjoy Their company and lessons.  Life is chaotic, there's no getting around that.  I'd rather have the tools to navigate those waters, instead of drowning in chaos.  In my experience, Tricksters can teach those tools.

It's not "inviting chaos into your life", life is crazy anyway.  It's teaching through experience, how to survive, thrive, and how to break those toxic patterns.  There's no point in resisting, just flow with it.  Learn from it.  Take a look at yourself and ask if you brought this chaos upon yourself?  Is it an outside influence?  What can you do to change your environment?  How can you learn from this chaos?  

Tricksters shake shit up.  They can bring healthy transformation into our lives.  But we have to be open to not demonize Them.  They are our Shadows.  Learn to work with Them--with the change, the tide, the winds--not against them.

I choose to not live in fear of Tricksters.

- Dedicant & Hearth Keeper Foxlyn
