
Showing posts from April, 2024


Speaking of Druidry, I have a business called Hearth Fox Oracle , where I offer psychic readings and handmade divination tools, plushies, and artwork.  For psychic readings I accept money and trades from my Amazon Wish List (or in person if the person is local).  I had a client last week go with the trade option--which is pretty popular among the online clients I've had.  I received the package and did the session with them.  Yesterday, I got another package in the mail from them, which was a total surprise.  It was Kristoffer Hughes' new deck, the Bee Tarot !!!!  That's the "speaking of druidry" part, because he's a Druid.  If you open up the box, you're greeted by this quote: " Did the bees understand the mysteries of the Druids...or did the bees perhaps give them access to those mysteries? " (Oh, the bees definitely taught us!) The deck has beautiful artwork and I love the texture of the cards.  One of my favorite decks is a set of Bicycle pla

Book Reviews 1/3 Finished

More intense spiritual shit happened this weekend, my friends.  I'm still tired despite the self-care.  I guess today is another day of rest.  I did finish one of my Book Reviews for the Dedicant Path yesterday, which I'm super happy about.  But I also learned that I need to finish all three to turn them in, ALTHOUGH 350 words isn't that long of an essay, so I could easily go back to another book that I attempted to read for another category, I'm happy to report.   I've struggled with these Book Reviews.  I've done book reports, of course, but a book review?  I didn't really know how to take notes, despite the numerous examples.  Some people said to summarize each chapter, but like the word limit is 350 words...  Others said that the Reviewers just wanted to see that you read the book.  Like, okay?  How do I show that in essay form?  Luckily I really enjoyed reading  Gods and Myths of Northern Europe  by HR Ellis Davidson, so it was easy talking about why I

The Eclipse

  The total eclipse yesterday was incredible. Photos and videos don't do it justice, even the highly detailed ones. It was just awesome. My oldest was outside every half hour checking the skies for clouds and once the eclipse began around 2pm in our area, he was recording the times and "sun bites" and "sun crescents". I didn't take great photos, because I wasn't sure that I wanted to risk damaging my old DSLR. For my phone and DSLR I did use the glasses for some shots. Then for the big event, when it's safe to look without the glasses, I took a couple not so great pix. But really I just stood there and enjoyed this awesome surreal scene with my kids. Our neighborhood was cheering. My kids were celebrating. My eldest was excited to see the stars. It was insane and beautiful. The energy was so peaceful and powerful and just awesome. No strange animal stuff, just silence, minus the cheering humans. Of course my lack of good lens didn't do

Plenty of Focus

I'm in the early stages of working with Thor, so today I decided to ask what He wants me to focus on: I saw and drew Hagalaz - Shelter from the storm.  Thurisaz - Thor.  Kenaz - Guidance.   Thor said that while I am in my shelter, to focus on studying: Runic Magik, focusing on healing (I've been wanting a book on runic healing!) Runes Ogham Confidence And to start wearing Mjolnir. First, the Hagalaz storm shelter that I'm in is a period of grief and healing.  My mom died back in October and she and I had a complicated relationship, and I've been healing from all of the crisis and trauma.  I've also been instructed to do no magik--unless it's an emergency.  It's also been a bit of a fallow period with many of my deities, save for Hekate and Odin, and recently Thor.  This has been my storm shelter : no magik, surrendering to my Gods, letting thing go, and just flowing.  No rushing, no future plans, to be present and patient.  And to focus on runes, ogham, seid

Gift for a Gift

Last night I attended Virtual Fire Proto-Grove's Loki and Sigyn ritual. During omens I drew my own runes from these two. Basically this message is a duel blessing from Them over my family and relationships with the Shining Ones, but another incredible thing was this black hair. No one in my family has black hair, much less this length. We don't have pets.  Only I enter my office.  Nor was it there before.  I was quite perplexed by it. Loki confirmed it was from Them, a sign of acceptance of offerings and a "gift for a gift". I put the hair someplace safe.   Thank you Kindreds and Spirits All! (Rune cards by Magick and Mayhem Imaginarium ) Trickster entities tend to get a lot of hate and dislike, but personally I rather enjoy Their company and lessons.  Life is chaotic, there's no getting around that.  I'd rather have the tools to navigate those waters, instead of drowning in chaos.  In my experience, Tricksters can teach those tools. It's not "invitin

9 Pagan Virtues: Courage

First off, Happy Trickster's Day! Hail Loki, Hermes, Dionysus, Coyote, Fox, Corvids, and the many other Trickster entities in the world! Second thing, my brother was on a podcast: Inside the Mind of a US Army Colonel: Strategy, Leadership, PTSD, Purpose, Resilience, and Adversity . Third thing, Holy crap I just woke up from a wild fuckin dream. Me and BFF went to some park, walking a muddy trail. There was a lot of other people, too. Grieving, worried women/fem presenting. The park was filled with cougars and panthers, but no one was worried about them, just their grief and sorrows--blind to the dangers around them. I was more worried about the big cats, though. Alert ears, head on a swivel. We kept hearing cougar growls and unbothered women just throwing sticks, branches, and rocks at them, and the big cats would back off. I think they all looked the same, too--the women. They were all the same person, just hair and clothes might've been different. Each one in a grief tran