Calan Mai with Three Cranes Grove

 I just attended Three Cranes Grove's Calan Mai ritual honoring Cerridwen cia Zoom.  The bandwidth was weak and the words garbled at times, but it was lovely overall.  They also did officer oaths of Vice Arch Druid Rev. Jan Avende, Senior Druid Traci Auerbach (I think is the spelling), Secretary Jessica Mingus, and Treasurer Deborah who's last name I couldn't hear because of low bandwidth.  As well as the Maypole.

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Spring Equinox's omens were talked a little bit about and then Rev Avende did this rite's omen using the Animal Spirit Oracle:

"Bear.  Jaguar.  Sheep. the mothering energy given to us provides us with transformation so that we may access the tools and skills we need; in return, we should be community and provide for each other. These are good omens!"

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The Maypole almost fell over, but it was all good fun, with a great song from the bards.  I wonder if Three Cranes has a CD or something...are CD's still a thing actually?  Anyway, I love 3CG's bards--a talented group of musicians.  Pagan music that I'd definitely be interested in listening to and learning the songs from.

Yes, another great rite from Three Cranes Grove.  Lots of laughs, powerful energies, and I even had an encounter with Cerridwen before and during ritual--a relationship that I revisited a little bit on my main blog, Book of Mirrors.  I may explore here, too, just not now.  It's Sunday and Mama Fox is tired and distracted!

Have a good remainder of your weekend.  If you observed, I hope your High Day was good, too!

- Dedicant and Hearth Keeper Foxlyn Wren
