
Showing posts from May, 2024

Doing Rituals

 On Memorial Day, one of my friends cat died suddenly and traumatically due to a pre-existing heart condition, I believe they said.  I wrote a Cat Memorial Rite and performed it the other night.  I tried to do a FB Live in our study group, but my internet connection wasn't very good, so after the third try, I decided to just record and post. The first attempt of the rite was a lot better than the recording.  The recording was also very casual because I've known this person since high school.  I personally prefer a little bit of humor in my death (and it's a decision that I don't just make on my own)--and with my friend, I asked about some silly things about her cat, Minion.  Cutesy names, typical annoying asshole cat shit, good memories.  I talked a bit about my experience with cats and spirits pets, as well as with grief.  I tried to balance the silly with the serious.  There was a lot of off-script talk about grief, too, and about pets and family.   This is my first

Hail Sister Moon! Hail Loki!

 First, Blessed Full Moon, yall! Second, look at what arrived yesterday! SnakeCharmerArt For the psychic part of my business, I accept cash and trades.  Usually for non-local strangers, the trade option is my Amazon Wishlist (wish I could do an Etsy wishlist!  I heard they have a mobile app, but I hate dealing with my phone).  But this artist reached out to me asking to trade art for a reading.  After mulling it over and talking to my guides, I decided to take a chance, after all they were taking one on me. I'm really glad that I did.  Cameron was wonderful for work with.  Given that I had never traded art for a reading, I gave them mostly free range for this piece.  They said that they were trained in digital and other mediums.  I said that I love bright colors, Loki and/or a fox, and whatever size and medium they wanted to do.   Yesterday came a little cute fox drawing on the envelope and this high quality, approx 8.5x11 inch piece of Loki.  Also, the foxes eyes are a lot like mi

Happy World Bee Day!

  Today I honor all Bee Entities, Pollinators, and Ethical Beekeepers! - Dedicant and Hearth Keeper Foxlyn - 

Druid Moon - My Walk with Belenos

 Yesterday was Mother's Day, which was a wonderful day, made more magikal by starting the day off with a male ringed-necked pheasant.  These birds means good finances for me--who doesn't like that omen?  It was a great financial day!  My family took me to Half Price Books, where I got a Funko Pop Sabretooth (fav villian) and two books--both on my wishlist (because I have rule for myself to keep me from buying whatever interesting looking book that may just leave me disappointed): Yup, when I go to bookstores, I visit the metaphysical/witchy/pagany/psychic section first, the mythology section second, the psychology/trauma/disorders/self help sections, and finally the death section (for my death doula independent studies).  THEN if I haven't found anything, I may go to the graphic novels/gaming/nerdy sections, art, nature, and fiction.  Always in that order, unless I'm there for something specific. There, two pieces of useless trivia about me.  Read on for more! I also sa

Writer's Block

 This was me yesterday, while trying to begin the 9th essay: " I'm trying to write an essay on the Kindreds, when Writer's Block hits me and suddenly I can't remember what the hell an ancestor is ." Luckily, I was able to work through that bit of writer's block by looking at pictures of my ancestral shrine, as well as the next bit about the Nature Spirit.  Although with that one, no altar photos, but gentle inspiration from Them instead.   However, the Shining Ones...writer's block once again.  I'm following that altar theme throughout this essay, but I just hit a wall yesterday.  I think I took too long of a break after the Nature Spirit part.  I've been walking the polytheist path for over 30 years, and I've had many interesting encounters with many different entities over the time.  I'm a "godphone" as it was jokingly called on Tumblr years ago ("godbothered" is another term), meaning that I can communicate with Them

Calan Mai with Three Cranes Grove

 I just attended Three Cranes Grove's Calan Mai ritual honoring Cerridwen cia Zoom.  The bandwidth was weak and the words garbled at times, but it was lovely overall.  They also did officer oaths of Vice Arch Druid Rev. Jan Avende, Senior Druid Traci Auerbach (I think is the spelling), Secretary Jessica Mingus, and Treasurer Deborah who's last name I couldn't hear because of low bandwidth.  As well as the Maypole. Zoom Screenshot Spring Equinox's omens were talked a little bit about and then Rev Avende did this rite's omen using the Animal Spirit Oracle: " Bear.  Jaguar.  Sheep. the mothering energy given to us provides us with transformation so that we may access the tools and skills we need; in return, we should be community and provide for each other. These are good omens! " Zoom Screenshot The Maypole almost  fell over, but it was all good fun, with a great song from the bards.  I wonder if Three Cranes has a CD or something...are CD's still a thi