Ritual Sweet

 Ah, it's finally raining in my area!  Weeks and weeks of forecast lies and spit showers.  We finally have a good rain!  I'm grateful.  Thank you, Nature Spirits and Weather Deities!

Yesterday I started on my Midsummer Honeysweet Family Ritual.  It's almost done, I just have to figure out The Work part for kids.  Still thinking about using candy magik, I'm just not sure what.  Maybe ask what they hope to attract as school starts in a couple of weeks?  

Maybe I could ask my kids?  They're creative and magikal.  

I don't know that we're going to be able to do the ritual this week, though, because our summer's going out like a lion, apparently.  Next week for sure, so I have time to plan the Work for them, and try to find some Bit-o-Honey or Honey suckers.

When I finish it, I'll post it with the others on the Ritual page.

- Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn Wren
