One Year In!

 Today marks 1-year of me being a member and Dedicant of Ar nDraiocht Fein!

I still have 9 of 11 essays to write. As someone who loves research and is a prolific writer, I was hoping to get all 11 essays done in my first year. But then my mom died in October, and grief and Mother Wound healing threw a wrench into that plan.

Finger's crossed that I finish the Dedicant Path in year 2! I have a few essays started with notes and rough drafts, and 1/3 of my Book Review Essay is finished. It's just a matter of motivating my brain to get these essays finished and turned in.

I'm eager to start other training programs within ADF and eventually start on the path of becoming a clergy member.

Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn Wren


Feeling rather inspired, I just submitted Essay 5! 8 more!
