Practice Makes Better

I still haven't decided on which Essay I'm going to write next, but I have been practising with writing book reviews on my business blog:

They don't follow DP guidelines and sometimes they completely go off the rails, but I think the last one is cleaner than the other two.  That being said, I do have 1 of three book reviews done of that essay.  I'm still reading Being a Pagan by Ellen Evert Hopman and Lawrence Bond, and taking notes--only not chapter-by-chapter as someone tried to help with.  There's simply not enough words for a chapter-by-chapter review (although I may have misunderstood the advice giver...).  I just write down things I think are interesting--which according to my school and university teachers often misses the facts that I should be focusing on...  

That's how my brain works--I guess what they think is important and interesting is completely different than what I think is.  With my ADHD, reading boring stuff is difficult.  Super short attention span.  Not sorry.  Can't turn it off. School/university was such a struggle for me.  Even with art, because I the methods and techniques that my teachers taught just didn't make sense to me--and they hated the ways that I figured things out.  My projects got done, but the "methods and techniques" were wrong. I didn't follow their steps and most of them really hated it. 

Did it get done?  Yeah?  Then why are you complaining?


There need to be more research and training regarding neurodivergents--more neurodivergent sensitivity programs for teachers or something.  Our brains don't all work the same.  I'm not being difficult because I'm not open to learning new things.  I am, but my brain just can't grasp certain ideas.  Or it's slow to grasp them.  Or I have to go on my own journey and understand in ways that make more sense.

That whole judging a fish on how well it can climb a tree thing.

I have ADHD, learning disabilities, and I'm pretty sure that I'm autistic.  From what I've experienced and read, ADHD and Autism clash horribly.  Then add my learning disabilities, cPTSD, depression, anxiety, etc.  It's a fucked up messy ass banana split, and those are already a hot--er--cold mess!

Expecting a tropical fish to climb icy mountains with the expert climbers out here.

I'm just a hot mess trying to figure out life and what teachers want and how my brain works.

Yeah, I'm just writing down interesting things, and triggered memories, feelings, and thoughts about what I'm reading.  Whether or not I liked it, but also trying to see the different perspectives, and all that.  I think it's helping.  

Practice makes better!

Believe it or not, I didn't want to make this post all about Book Reviews, and yet I can't remember what I originally wanted to write about, so here we are.

- Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn Wren
