
Showing posts from July, 2024

Ritual Sweet

 Ah, it's finally raining in my area!  Weeks and weeks of forecast lies and spit showers.  We finally have a good rain!  I'm grateful.  Thank you, Nature Spirits and Weather Deities! Yesterday I started on my Midsummer Honeysweet Family Ritual.  It's almost done, I just have to figure out The Work part for kids.  Still thinking about using candy magik, I'm just not sure what.  Maybe ask what they hope to attract as school starts in a couple of weeks?   Maybe I could ask my kids?  They're creative and magikal.   I don't know that we're going to be able to do the ritual this week, though, because our summer's going out like a lion, apparently.  Next week for sure, so I have time to plan the Work for them, and try to find some Bit-o-Honey or Honey suckers. When I finish it, I'll post it with the others on the Ritual page . - Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn Wren

Adorable Natural Pest Control

  One of my passions is photography, especially up-close-and-personal wildlife photography.  For the last few nights, I've been spending my late evenings with the group of Gray Tree Frogs that feast on the bugs attracted to our porch light. I'm glad that they're photogenic! Such lovely little critters. © 2024 Hearth Fox Oracle Also posted on Hearth Fox Oracle's Blogspot , Facebook , and Instagram .

Practice Makes Better

I still haven't decided on which Essay I'm going to write next, but I have been practising with writing book reviews on my business blog: The Goddess Girls and The Thunder Girls The Witch's Heart Good Different They don't follow DP guidelines and sometimes they completely go off the rails, but I think the last one is cleaner than the other two.  That being said, I do have 1 of three book reviews done of that essay.  I'm still reading Being a Pagan by Ellen Evert Hopman and Lawrence Bond, and taking notes--only not chapter-by-chapter as someone tried to help with.  There's simply not enough words for a chapter-by-chapter review (although I may have misunderstood the advice giver...).  I just write down things I think are interesting--which according to my school and university teachers often misses the facts that I should be focusing on...   That's how my brain works--I guess what they think is important and interesting is completely different than what I th

Midsummer and Planning a Family Friendly Honeysweet

Midsummer is nearly upon us (Aug 1st), aka Honeysweet .  I know in ADF it's generally called Lughnasadh/Lammas, but I've only ever celebrated it with other people.  I've struggled to connect to August 1st by any other name, same with Imbolc.  Midsummer makes sense after June 21st being the First Day of Summer.  Honeysweet also really clicks with its connection to bees for me. August 1st is a day that I honor Bee Entities and pollinators, such as the Minoan/Greek Melissae.  Although the last couple of days I've been looking into the Norse Bee and Agricultural Goddess, Beyla.  Maybe I'll include Her, too?  I'm pretty eclectic, although regarding ADF's Hearth Cultures, I'm a mostly a mix of Hellenic and Norse, but I'm slowly leaning more Norse, as I learn more about Norse Paganism and practise Seidr.  I doubt that I'll ever totally be one hearth culture, ya know?  I'm just too eclectic and have deities from all over the world, nor do I turn deit

One Year In!

  Today marks 1-year of me being a member and Dedicant of Ar nDraiocht Fein ! I still have 9 of 11 essays to write. As someone who loves research and is a prolific writer, I was hoping to get all 11 essays done in my first year. But then my mom died in October, and grief and Mother Wound healing threw a wrench into that plan. Finger's crossed that I finish the Dedicant Path in year 2! I have a few essays started with notes and rough drafts, and 1/3 of my Book Review Essay is finished. It's just a matter of motivating my brain to get these essays finished and turned in. I'm eager to start other training programs within ADF and eventually start on the path of becoming a clergy member. Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn Wren ----- Feeling rather inspired, I just submitted Essay 5! 8 more!

When Vampires Love You Too Much

I turned in Essay 9 on May 30th, and still haven't heard anything about it.  I just sent an email.  I need to know before I can start on another essay.  It's just how my brain works, unfortunately.  I've tried to write Essay 5, I think it is?  The one about the 2 Power Meditation.  I have all of my notes and journal entries, but everytime I try to write my brain suddenly gets sleepy or starts to catastrophize about Fafnir Adolf Trump and Project 2025 . I need to know how I did--I need distractions! Here's hoping that I hear back soon. In the meanwhile, I guess I'll finish 365 Days of Goddess by Molly Remer or work on crocheting this summer blanket.  I'm waiting for shadow to fall on our deck so I can go outside and read/crochet.  A favorite thing of mine to do when its warm out.  Listen to the birds, people watch (we live at a busy crossroads in our neighborhood).  I'm hoping to get a pop-up mosquito netting and an air mattress so I can be outside longer in