Midwinter Ritual - Feb 1, 2025

 Midwinter Ritual

By Foxlyn Wren

February 1, 2025



  • 3 Hallows: Fire, Well, Tree

  • Elen's Blade or Antler

  • Representations of my Hearth Mothers and Spirits, Healers, and Winter Entities

  • Spirit Stick

  • Lighter

  • Divination Tools - Imbolc Deck

  • Cup of Water

  • Kuksa Cup

  • Healing Blanket

  • Offerings: 

    • Cornmeal (Nature Spirits)

    • Oatmeal  (House Spirits and Guardians)

    • Dark Rum (Ancestors)

    • Gluten-Free Bread (Hearth, Healers, Winter)

Why are we here?

  • Honor the Hearth Mothers and Spirits: Hestia-Vesta (Vestia), Vestals, Hekate, Frigg, Loki, Nisser, Tomten, Disir, 

  • Honor the Healers: Eir, Brigid, Elen of the Ways.

  • Honor the Winter Entities: Cailleach, Ullr, Skadi, Perchta, Mother Holle, Hags.

  • Energies: Purification, Rest, Patience, Introspection, Quiet, Warmth, Joy.

  • Work: Healing Blanket Blessing / Finding Your Way Through Chaos.


  • Reindeer Mother and Elen of the Ways.


  1. Opening the Rite: "On this day of Feb 1st, we celebrate Midwinter and honor the Entities of Hearth, Healing, and Winter.

    The Spirits of the Sky Above Us
    The Spirits of the Land Surrounds Us
    The Spirits of the Waters flow below Us
    Surrounded now by all the numinous beings
    Of Sky, of Land, of Water
    Our Hearts tied as One.
    May we pray with a good fire" (4)

  2. Calling the Hearth Mothers and Spirits:  "Hearth Mothers and Spirits, we honor you.  Bring Your presence of the Living Flame into our home.  Bless us with your gifts of light and warmth.

    Hearth Mothers and Spirits, accept this offering."
    Sprinkle offerings of salted flour/pantry herbs into the flame.

  3. Purification: If burning herbs.  "I light this sage in the names of my Hearth Mothers and Spirits.  May this smoke cleanse this space and myself of all unwanted energies and entities.  As it is willed, so shall it be."

    If using Spirit Stick: "I purify this space with [3 or 9] taps of this Spirit Staff into the ground."  3-9 Taps.  "As it is willed, so shall it be."

  4. Calling the Earth Mother: "Nearest and Dearest, we call to the Earth Mother.  Earth Mother, hear us call to you as we welcome you to this rite.  Earth Mother, accept our offering. (1)"

    Give offerings.

  5. Inspiration: "Spirits of Inspiration, I invite you to this rite.  Honey our words and give clarity to our minds.  Spirits of Inspiration, accept this offering."

    Give offerings.

  6. Attunement / Cosmos: "Let us connect to the sacred center. 
    The Waters support and surround us
    The Land extends about us
    The Sky stretches above us

    At our center burns a living flame

    May all the Kindreds bless us
    May our worship be true
    May our actions be just
    May our love be pure
    Blessings, honor, and worship to the Holy Ones" (4).

  7. Opening the Gates: "We call to the Gatekeepers, the Those who protect the paths between our world and the Other.  Reindeer Mother! Elen of the Ways!  Accept this offering and be welcomed in our home."

    Give Offering.

    "Reindeer Mother!  Elen of the Ways!  We ask that you join your magiks with ours as we open the gates."

    (With Elen's blade, touch the Flame)

"As we are in ritual space and time, know that this world reflects the Other.

Sacred Fire of the Heavens and Gods, You are the spark of inspiration, the flame of transformation, Burning within us, igniting our spirits with purpose.

May this candle flame become the cosmic fire.

Sacred Fire, burn bright within us! (3)"

(With Elen's blade, touch the Well)

"Sacred Well, cauldron of the Underworld and the Chthonic Ones, Portal to the Ancestors, deep and ancient, Flowing from the womb of the Earth Mother.

May this cup of water become the cosmic well.

Sacred Well, flow deep within us! (3)"

(With Elen's blade, touch the Tree)

"Sacred Tree, Yggdrasil, Portal to all worlds, you are the embodiment of strength and endurance. 

May this block of wood become Yggdrasil.

Sacred Tree grow strong within us!

The Fire, the Well, and the Sacred Tree,

Flame and flow and grow in me!" (3).

"Reindeer Mother!  Elen of the Ways!  Let the Gates be Opened!"
Open Hands.

  1. Inviting the Kindreds:
    "Ancestor of Blood and Spirits, we invite you to this rite.
    Ancestors accept this offering!"

    Give Offering.

    "Nature Spirits, Corporeal and Not, we invite you to this rite.
    Nature Spirits, accept this offering!"

    Give Offering.

    "Shining Ones, Known and Unknown, Seen and Unseen, With and Without a Shrine in our homes.  I invite you to this rite.
    Shining ones accept this offering"

    Give Offering.

  2. Inviting the Beings of the Occasion:  "On this Midwinter, I invite the Hearth Mothers and Spirits–Vestia, Vestals, Hekate, Frigg, Loki, Nisser, Tomten, and the Disir.

    I invite the Healers–Eir, Brigid, Elen of the Ways.

    I invite the Winter Entities–Cailleach, Ullr, Skadi, Perchta, Mother Holle, Hags.

    Hearth, Healing, and Winter Entities, I ask for your presence, wisdom, protection, and blessings.  Hearth, Healing, and Winter Entities, accept these offerings!"

    Give Offerings!

  3.  Final Sacrifice: "Kindreds and Spirits All, Accept this offering!"

    Give Offering.

  4.  Omen: "Now we ask for a message from the Kindreds.  Who offers Their Wisdom? 
    Are you giving Messages, Blessings or?
    - - - -
    Is this omen good?
    Do we accept it?"

  5.  Hallowing the Waters: "We have made offerings to the Kindreds, and so we shall ask for blessings in return. / We ask the Kindreds for Their blessings in our lives.  See these blessings fill your cups.

    Behold the Waters of Life!"

  6.  The Work:  Blessing of the Healing Blanket and Fibertools.  ""

  7.  Thanking the Beings of the Occasion: "Hearth, Healing, and Winter Entities, we thank you for attending this rite!  Stay if you will, go if you must.  Hail and Farewell, Hearth, Healing and Winter Entities!"

  8.  Thanking the Kindreds: "Kindreds and Spirits All, Named and Unnamed, Known and Unknown, With and Without a Shrine in our home.  Hail and Farewell!"

  9.  Closing the Gates: "Gatekeeper Reindeer Mother and Elen of the Ways! Thank you for guiding us and mixing your magiks with ours. Help us now to close the gates!

(Touching Elen’s blade to Yggdrasil) 

May Yggdrasil be but a block of wood.

(Touching Elen’s blade to the Well) 

May this cosmic well be but a cup.

(Touching Elen’s blade to the Flame) 

May this cosmic fire be but a candle flame.

May the Gates be closed!
Close hands.

  1.  Thanking Inspiration: "Inspiration, we thank you for attending this rite.  Hail and Farewell!"

  2.  Thanking the Earth Mother: "Earth Mother, we thank you for your support this day and everyday. Earth Mother to you we return all that is unused, that you may use it as you see fit.
    Stay if you will, go if you must. 
    Our Thanks and Blessings, Earth Mother!"

  3.  Thanking the Hearth Mothers and Spirits: "Hearth Mothers–Vestia, Vestals, Hekate, Frigg, Loki, Disir, we thank you for attending this rite.  Hail and Farewell Hearth Mothers."

    Blow out the candle.

  4.  Closing the Rite: "This rite has ended.  Go in peace and fellowship."

© 2025 Hearth Fox Oracle



  1. Ar nDraiocht Fein. Our Own Druidry.  2009.

  2. Franklin, Anna.  The Hearth Witch's Year.  Page 22.

  3. Stone Creek Grove, ADF. Standard Liturgy. November 22, 2021. https://stonecreed.org/rituals/standard-liturgy/

  4. Three Cranes Grove.  Opening Prayer.
