Honeysweet Ritual with Pagans of Delaware County

This is the first ADF style high day I wrote/performed after joining in July 2023. I decided to make my Honeysweet Ritual in this style for personal practice and to introduce attendees to druidry.  I did talk a little bit about ADF before the ritual began, although it's not written in this script.

With all of rituals, I ask for volunteers with something pre-written or I allow them to bring their own style to the ritual.  If none volunteer, obviously I do the part.  

Honeysweet Public Ritual
Sunday, August 6th, 2023 2pm  EST
PDC Meet'n'Greet'n'Ritual
Delaware State Park
By Priestess Foxlyn Wren
(ADF Dedicant, not ADF Clergy)
ADF COoR Style


  • Holy Water
  • Olive Oil
  • Herbs
  • Orange Candle
  • Lighter
  • Darbuka Drum
  • ADF Altar - The Well, The Tree, The Fire
  • Alom (Spirit Staff)
  • Mead or rum
  • Water
  • Cornmeal
  • Honeysweet Coloring Pages
  • Crayons, Markers, etc.
  • Bee Toy
  • Bee Images
  • Sunflowers
  • Wooden Offering Bowls
  • Garb: Beaded Necklaces, Hekate's Key, Fox, Veil Optional.
  • Divination: Whatever tarot deck the volunteer had with them



  • Earth Mother: Earth Mother.
  • Gatekeeper: Bees.
  • The Ancestors
  • The Nature Spirits - The Melissae–the Bee Priestesses.
  • The Shining Ones, the Gods - Ariadne, Persephone, Demeter.


Before the ritual began, I walked the space, singing Hoof and Horn, and sprinkling holy water.

"Hey yall, I'm Priestess Wren.  We're going to be giving offerings later.  If you'd like to grab something now–food or drink from the table, cornmeal from this bowl, something from nature, or maybe take some paper and write down thoughts, poems, prayer–is someone in need of healing or good luck?  Is there something that needs to be released, or grief that needs to be "Told to the Bees" so to speak?  Take a few moments to get what you need.  The ritual will begin with the drums."



1.     (Initiating the rite) Begin to Drum

1.     Fire Walker delineated the space (5).

1.     Take 3 deep breaths, then light the candle.

2.     Walk around the space clockwise, holding a lit candle, chanting "Fire I bear / Bright it burns / And ask for peace from all / Fast flee the enemies / Evil be gone / Gods make sacred this space!  Gods keep sacred this place!"

2.     Purifier cleanses the sacred space with Holy Water, Sound and/or Energy.  Once this is done, cue the Drummer to stop.

3.     Grounder - Someone leads the ground in grounding.

2.     (Honoring the Earth Mother) (3):

1.     "Children of the Earth, it is fitting that we begin by honoring the All Mother.  She from whom we have all emerged.  She who sustains us.  She to whom, in the fullness of time, our bones will return.  We honor her best by walking in balance.  We honor her best by keeping our footprints light.  Earth Mother, we ask that you ward and guard our rite.  All Mother, accept our offering!"

2.     Give silver offerings into The Well.

3.     (Statement of Purpose)  "Welcome to the Pagans of Delaware County's Meet'n'Greet'n'Ritual.  Today we're celebrating Honeysweet and honoring the Bee Spirits, The Melissae!  Goddesses, Priestesses, Oracles, Dancers, Hand-Maidens, and Psychopomps of Ariadne, Demeter, and Persephone.  Many rituals this time of the year may be asking about what you've planted, what's growing, or what you're harvesting, be it good or bad.  For this ritual, I'm going to be asking what kind of honey do you have in your hives?  Are you prepared for the harsh cold winter?  The work we're going to be doing today is to help sustain us through the dark part of the year.  I want you to take a few breaths at your pace."

4.     (Creating the Cosmos, acknowledging Well, Tree, Fire)  "The waters support and surround us.  The land extends about us.  The sky stretches out above us.  At the center burns a living flame (4). And breathe."

5.     (Opening the Gates) Hand over the Tree, "I call now to the Keeper of the Gates, the Guardian between our mortal world and that of the Immortals (4).  Bees, I ask that you guide and protect us, lend us inspiration and clarity for this rite.  Bees, accept this offering!"

1.     Give Offerings of Mead from the Horn into the Cup.

6.     (Invite the Three Kindreds)  "Now that the Gates have been opened, we invite now to our sacred space, the Ancestors, the Nature Spirits, and the Deities."

1.     "Ancestors of Spirit and Blood, I invite you to this sacred space."

1.     Give Offerings of rum.

2.     "Nature Spirits.  I invite you into this rite."

1.     Give Offerings of herbs.

3.     "Deities, it goes without saying, you are welcome to join us."

1.     Give Offerings of olive oil.

4.     "May you all come with love, clarity, inspiration, and protection.  Hopefully no stinging wasps or sudden changes to this ritual." (as happened with the Summer Solstice 2023)

7.     (Participant Offerings)  "I've given my offerings.  If any would like to come up and give theirs to the Ancestors, Spirits, Deities, and Energies, please do.  Drummer, if you would, provide some lovely music please."

8.     (Prayer of Sacrifice)  "Our offerings and prayers have been given.  Hestia! We ask that you hasten our words and thoughts with your sacred fire  So that we may be heard faster and with clarity!"

1.     Sprinkle oil into the flame.

9.     (Calling for the Omens/Blessings) "Diviner, please ask for an omen from the Bees and one from The Melissae."

10.  (Hallowing the Waters of Life)  "Now is the time to Hallow the Waters of Life.  Bees and Priestesses, we ask for you to bless these waters with the energies that you feel that we each need during this time, this season, this year.  Bees and Melissae, Bless the Waters!"

11.  (Affirm the Blessing) Speak the omens again.

1.     Pour the water into the cups and past it around to attendees.

12.  (The Work) "Honeysweet is a ritual created by the Wyrd Sanctuary.  Back in 2021, our Sanctuary did a lot of heavy Shadow and Sovereignty work, we needed a break—a balance to that darkness.  From August to the Fall Equinox, we celebrate Honeysweet, seeking the sweetness of appreciation and gratitude in our lives.  We acknowledge what brings us joy, happiness, and comfort—that sweetness that can sustain us through those dark and difficult winter months and those inner shadows, just as honey sustains bees."
"Last year I had attendees write down their joys, their gratitude, and things that they wanted to attract into their lives.  Then we made origami bees.  Some bees were burned to release that energy to the heavens and the powers.  Some were kept to serve as reminders of their intentions.  I hope some bees were opened up during dark times, to help heal and strengthen you."
"This year, I want each of you to take a sheet of paper and a couple of crayons.  In each of these cells, you're going to write, draw, or perhaps just color.  In each cell, I want you to fill it with your joys, your comforts, things that you are grateful for, things that you hope to attract to your lives, and for those who feel called, your griefs.  Grief doesn't always have to be about the death of a friend or a loved one, although it can be. 
There's a tradition in Beekeeping, where when there was a death in the family, the keepers' bees were told
(6).  In many cultures, Bees are seen as Guides of the Dead, aka psychopomps, such as Hekate, Hermes, Ariadne, The Melissae, and many other Deities.  In our society, grief is seen as something that needs to be dealt with quickly and forgotten.  Many feel that grief is a bad thing.  Those who are in pain are often told to "get over it".  They couldn't be more wrong.  Grief is something that needs to be felt and slowly worked through, not to rid yourself of, but to learn how to adapt to it in healthy ways.  So if you've any heavy grief, or words for your dead and lost, whisper to the Bees, so you are not bearing this grief alone.  The Bees will help.  Please, reach out to your human community, too, if you're in need.
For those who feel the need to add grief to their cells, balance your honeycomb with joy, comfort, and goals, too.  I will give you all time to think and design.  If you can't think of anything or don't want to do so in this public space, you can fill in your sheet when you get home

1.     "There's no right way to create your honeycomb.  Let go of any expectations of how your honeycomb should look, just let the energy flow.  If you need help, try asking yourself or any divination tools these questions (7):

1.     What am I grateful for?

2.     What sweetness is in my life?

3.     How can I gather this sweetness?

4.     What does this sweetness offer me?"

2.     Give everyone time.

3.     "When you're all ready, hold your honeycomb to your heart center.  Close your eyes and breath at your own pace."
Winged Spirit of Sweetness,

I call on you.

Teach us the ways of

Transformation and Fertilization,

The path from pollen to sweetest honey.

Teach us to taste the essence

Of each place we light,

Carrying that essence with us

To continue creation’s cycle.

Teach us the ways of hope,

Reminding us that what seems impossible

May yet be achieved.

Flitting tears of the Gods,

Draw us ever closer to the wisdom

Hidden within beauty.

Give us flight and sunlight,

Passion and productivity,

Cooperation with those around us

And sharpened strength to defend our homes

May we ever spiral out from our hearts,

Searching for What we need,

And return there once again

To turn those lessons into nourishment.

Bee Spirit, I call to you! (1)

Hear our griefs and our joys!

Bless our hives!

d.     "You may open your eyes and relax.  It's time to end this rite.  Drummer, do your thing until we're finished."

13.              (Thanking the Beings) "First, Ancestors, Nature Spirits, and Deities, we thank you for attending this rite and bestowing your guidance, inspiration, protection, and blessings."

14.              (Closing the Gates) "Gatekeepers! Bees! Guardians between our world and yours, we thank you!  Now close the gates!"

15.              (Thank the Earth Mother) "Earth Mother, we thank you for sustaining us, and for allowing us to have this ritual here in this beautiful park."

16.               Firewalker:  Hand them the lit candle.  Have them blow it out and walk the space counter clockwise, "Spirits and Hiddenfolk, we release this sacred space, returning it back to you."  Toss cornmeal offerings.  

17.              (Closing the Rite)  “This ritual is complete!  Thank you all for attending and participating.  Yall can hang out, eat, and have divination done if you'd like, or leave."




1.     Bowman, Travis.  Bee Prayer.

2.     Corrigan, Ian.  Hoof and Horn.  February 19, 2022.  https://www.adf.org/rituals/chants/nature-spirits/hoof-and-horn.html

3.     Dangler, Michael.  A Fire on Our Hearth: A Devotional of Three Cranes Grove, ADF.  Second Edition.  2010.  Page 68.

4.     Dangler, Michael.  The ADF Dedicant Path Through the Wheel of the Year.  5th Edition.  2016.  Page 18.

5.     Heath, Cat.  Elves, Witches & Gods:Spinning Old Heathen Magic  in the Modern Day. Pages 293-294.  2021.

6.     Hunt, Will.  Pioneer Works: Telling the Bees.  January 19, 2023.  https://pioneerworks.org/broadcast/will-hunt-telling-the-bees

7.     Wyrd, Serendipity.  Wyrd Sanctuary: Summoning Sweetness, celebrating Honeysweet.  2021.  https://serendipitywyrd.com/wyrd-musings/summoning-sweetness

