Fall Equinox 2023

Fall Equinox
Sunday, September 24, 2023, 2pm EST
Delaware State Park
ADF Style
By Priestess Foxlyn Wren
(ADF Dedicant, not ADF Clergy)


3.     Holy Water

4.     Olive Oil (Shining Ones offering)

5.     Silver Beads (Earth Mother offering)

6.     Cornmeal (DSP Spirit offering)

7.     Wine or Water (Bee and Ancestor offering)

8.     Herbs (Nature spirits offering)

9.     Lighter

10. Darbuka Drum

11. The Fox and the Leaves by Julia Rawlinson

12. Ceramic Fox

13. Wooden Leaf/Acorn Ornaments

14. Markers

15. The Well, The Tree, and the Fire

16.  Drink Horn and Kuksa

17.  Bee

18. Spirit Staff Alum

20. Prayer Beads

21. Orange Candle

22.  White Candle

23. Water

24. Wooden Offering Bowls

25. Yellow Altar Cloth

27. Divination Tools: Elder Futhark Runes


  • Earth Mother
  • Gatekeeper: Bee
  • Gods
  • Nature Spirits: Fox, Wind, Trees
  • Ancestor: Disir, Alfar


  • Drummer
  • Firewalker
  • Purifier
  • Grounder and 2 Powers Meditation
  • Reader of The Fox and the Falling Leaves


It was a very windy day and I had to lay the Tree down


1.     Greeting: "Hello!  Hearth Fox Oracle and Pagans of Delaware County welcomes you to this Fall Equinox ritual.  I am Foxlyn Wren; Eclectic AF, Priestess, Seidkona, Oracle, Teacher, and a Dedicant Druid of the ADF Fellowship.  Today's ritual will be performed in ADF style, so expect lots of prayers and giving of offerings.
In years past, I've done rituals to help people travel with the Guiding Spirit of the Bee down into the Spirit World to meet with a Death Entity, such as Persephone, that may teach them how to heal and befriend their Shadows.  Together we'd help them find their torch and spark to become their own guides for personal healing.
A year ago, Pagans of Delaware County all made rattles from recycled and found materials to clear space outside of ourselves and within, to help prepare us for the upcoming darkness of winter.

This year, as I sat in front of my computer brainstorming, I was inspired by a children's book called The Fox and the Falling Leaves by Julie Rawlinson.  A cute story about how a little fox fights against the changing season, not quite understanding this autumn business.  Then at the end, little Fletcher learns how beautiful change can be if only he stops trying to fight and control it.  For this ritual, we'll be using wooden leaves and acorns and we'll focus on things to let go of, things that may be holding us back in order to invite those necessary energies for change.  Let us begin!"

2.     (Initiating the Rite) Drummer Begins

a.      "Normally ADF rituals do not cast circles or call on Watchtowers.  I kind of do.  The space that we temporarily borrow from the nature spirits simply guards against entities who have negative intentions.  Humans and other creatures may pass freely within this sacred space."

                                                       i.             "Who will be our Fire Walker to mark a temporary boundary, making this our sacred space?"

                                                     ii.            "I will."  Fire Walker delineates the space.

1.     Take 3 deep breaths, then light the candle.

2.     Walk around the space clockwise, holding a lit candle, chanting "Fire we bear / Bright it burns / And ask for peace from all / Gods make sacred this space!  Gods keep sacred this place!"

b.     "Who will be our Purifier?"

                                                       i.            "I will."

1.     Purifier cleanses the sacred space with the rattle.  Once this is done, cue the Drummer to stop.

c.      "I will be our Grounder.  If you all would, close your eyes and sit, stand, or lay in a comfortable position.  Breath at your own comfort level.  Deep breath in and out.  In and out.  In and out."  (2 Powers Meditation):

                                                       i.            "Focus on your breath.  Observe your breath as it flows in and out of your body and with each breath, allow your body to relax.  Let your breath carry away tension from your flesh.  

                                                     ii.            Relaxing your feet and legs.

                                                  iii.            Letting your belly soften and relax.  Breathing away tension from your shoulders and arms.  From your neck, your face and mouth, your eyes.  With each breath your body becoming warmer, comfortable and relaxed... your mind alert and prepared for magic.

                                                   iv.            Now, with your body still and calm, imagine that from your feet, or the base of your spine, roots begin to grow downward.  Roots reaching and growing into the earth, down through soil and stone.  Going deep and spreading wide to withstand the strongest of winds.

                                                      v.            Reaching deep to touch the waters under the Earth, the dark, cool, magnetic power that nourishes and sustains life.

                                                   vi.            As your roots touch this current it is drawn in and up toward your body.  

                                                 vii.            And breathe, drawing the Earth power upward... into your body.  The invisible, magnetic power fills your legs.  Energizing and strengthening waters rise from the earth, into your legs... rising... into your loins... and pooling there, into a cauldron of Earth power.  And breathe.

                                              viii.            You breathe the power upwards, through your loins, rising up your spine and into your heart.  Pooling and filling a cauldron in your heart center with healing, restoring energy.  And breathe.

                                                   ix.            That power now rises from the deep, through your loins, through your heart, rising up your spine and into your head.  Filling a cauldron of wisdom and vision behind your eyes.  And breathe. 

                                                      x.            This power fills all your body and flows out again through the crown of your head and through your hands.  Flowing out around your body and back into the earth.  

                                                   xi.            The power under the Earth flows in you... grounding you in the source of life.  Breathe.

                                                 xii.            Now imagine the sky overhead. The sun and moon and the stars.  Imagine a single star at the center of the sky, shining directly over your head.  See a flash of light shining down from that star, streaming down between moon and sun–gold, silver and blue-white light–the bright, warm, electric power of the sky.  The light touches your head, filling and illuminating the cauldron.  Filling your head with warm, awakening power... flowing down into your heart... warming the cauldron.  Shining down through head and heart, downward to reach your loins.

                                              xiii.            The cauldron shines with sky power in your loins. Tingling, electrical light in head, heart and loins.  The light flows downward into Earth, and you are shining and flowing with the powers of Earth and sky.  The raw materials of magic.  The chaos of potential and the world order…  And breathe!

                                               xiv.            These powers are balanced within you...there for you to use.

                                                  xv.            But for now, allow the powers to recede.  Waters to the Earth, light to the sky, knowing that each time you attune to them you become more attuned, more at one with the powers.  Deep breath in and out, and allow your awareness to return here.  Open your eyes when you are ready.

                                               xvi.            Welcome back!  How was that meditation?"

3.     (Honoring the Earth Mother):

a.      "Children of the Earth, it is fitting that we begin by honoring the All Mother.  She from whom we have all emerged.  She who sustains us.  She to whom, in the fullness of time, our bones will return.  We honor her best by walking in balance.  We honor her best by keeping our footprints light.  Earth Mother, we ask that you ward and guard our rite.  All Mother, accept our offering!"

b.     Give silver offerings into The Well.

4.     (Statement of Purpose) "Welcome and thank you for attending this rite.  Today we celebrate the First Day of Fall.  We honor the entities and humans who sustain our communities with bountiful harvests of flora and fauna, wild and domestic, energy and actions.  Today we remember things we are grateful for and release things that are holding us back from seeing that sweetness and beauty in our lives."

5.     (Creating the Cosmos, acknowledging Well, Tree, Fire)  "The waters support and surround us.  The land extends about us.  The sky stretches out above us.  At the center burns a living flame.
And so we stand at the center of worlds in sacred space and time.
May our worship be true.
May our actions be just.
May our love be pure.
Let us pray with a good fire

a.      Light the candle.

6.     (Opening the Gates) Hand over the Tree, "We call to the Gatekeeper to guide and guard our way.  Bee, accept this offering and be welcome here!"

a.      Give Offerings of Water/Wine from the Horn into the Cup.

b.     "Aid us now in opening the gates!
Kindreds of Fire, Well, and Tree; Kindreds of Sky, Sea, and Land; We call to you to aid us today.  As we open the gates between our world and the Other, let us connect the worlds.
Let the Well open as a Gate!
Let the Fire open as a Gate!
Let the Tree Open as a Gate!

Let the Gates be open!

7.     (Invite the Three Kindreds)  "Now that the Gates have been opened, we invite now to our sacred space, the Disir and Alfar, the Nature Spirits, and the Deities."

a.      "Disir and Alfar of Spirit and Blood, I invite you to this sacred spaceAncestors Accept this offering!"

                                                       i.            Give Offerings of Water/Wine.

b.     "Nature Spirits.  I invite you into this riteNature Spirits accept this offering!"

                                                       i.            Give Offerings of herbs.

c.      "Deities, it goes without saying, you are welcome to join us as wellShining Ones accept our offering!"

                                                       i.            Give Offerings of olive oil.

d.     "May you all come with love, clarity, inspiration, and protection."

8.     (Participant Offerings)  "I've given my offerings.  If any would like to come up and give theirs, please do.  You can give food from our feast, gifts from the ground, I also have cornmeal available at the table.  Drummer, if you would, please."

9.     (Prayer of Sacrifice)  "Our offerings and prayers have been given.  Hestia! We ask that you hasten our words and thoughts with your sacred fire  So that we may be heard with speed and clarity!"

a.      Sprinkle oil on the ground.

10. (Calling for the Omens/Blessings) "Now we ask for a message from the Kindreds, to see what they have to say and receive their mighty wisdom.  Diviner, please ask for an omen from the Autumn Spirits, Fox, Wind, and Tree!"

a.      Interpret it.  

b.     "Do we accept this as our omen?"

11.  (Hallowing the Waters of Life)  "We have made offerings to the Kindreds, and so we shall ask for blessing in return.  We ask the Kindreds for their blessings in our lives!"

a.      Hold Alum and hand sickle.  Name the blessings and visualize them in the waters.

b.     "Behold the waters of life!"

c.      Pass out the water to attendees, for those who can't/don't want to drink, off to sprinkle them with the waters.

d.     "Drink deep the blessings and wisdom of the KindredsMay they aid us in our work for healing and balance."

12.  (The Work)  Read the book and crafts

a.      Pass around the supplies.

b.     "Before we get started, first we will read the book that inspired this rite.  I'd like you to think about something in your life that is holding you back from seeing the sweetness in your life.  Back in August for Honeysweet, we thought about our sweets–our joys, our gratitude, our goals–anything that might help us through the barren and dark of winter..and life in general.  Today, we're going to think of something that may be stopping you from seeing that sweetness, or achieving a goal or taking that step into potential.
Who will read
The Fox and the Leaves?"

c.      After the book is done, ask people about their thoughts.  What was the message of the story?  Is this something that can help you with your work?
(don't read until people have a chance to listen) "Fletcher Fox's story was about fighting against something big and scary that he doesn't quite understand…and finally letting go of that control and seeing what happens.  It wasn't that easy for him to just 'let go' was it?  To release that need to control…to surrender to the unknown."

d.     "You each have a leaf and an acorn.  The leaf is for letting go.  The acorn is potential.  Sit your acorn off to the side for now.  Focus on your life right now.  Think about something in your life that is big and scary.  Something that is weighing you down.  What is holding you back from achieving a realistic goal?  Something that is actually achievable in your life. 
Once you have something, put the energy, symbolism, words, energies, or colors into your leaf.  It's okay to be vulnerable in this space, but I understand if you want to walk away if you get emotional.  We have tissues here, too.
Have at it, Little Foxes.  If you need help, don't be afraid to brainstorm with others, perform divination if you've the tools, or I can draw a rune to give you a little bit of insight.

e.      Once everyone is finished, 

                                                       i.  Have everyone take their leaves home and release them when they truly feel ready for the work ahead.  Release them through burning, breaking, sawing, or burying; or maybe even washing away the marker from the wood with soap, alcohol, or another means.

f.       "I would like your acorn to stay blank for now. The acorn represents potential after all.  Who knows what the future holds for you and yours?
As you go about this journey you can fill it out during or after you've seen the results of letting go.  Or if you need that visual aid, go ahead.  That will be in your hands, but before you do anything to your acorns, I want you to release any expectations you have about your journey.  Release what you expect it to look like, how long it will take, and what the end result will be.  Letting go can be a difficult and scary thing to do, it's a process that can take time, courage, self-discipline, support, patience, and accountability.  Sometimes you have to learn to not grasp the thing you're trying to release–especially if it's a toxic comfort zone!  Things that may not be achieved within a ritual or a moon phase, but weeks, months, and years even.  This isn't a quick and easy process, but it is possible with the right tools, commitment, and intention.

g.     "Now take your acorns, close your eyes, and hold them to your heartsBreathe as you feel comfortable doing.  In and out.  In and out.  In and outNow a prayer by Molly Remer."

                                                       i.            A Blessing for Strength (pg176) and Gifts (pg172)
"Draw it in
Draw it up
Draw it down
And know,
Without a doubt,
That you CAN DO IT.
You can walk this path
You can rise to this occasion.
You can respond with strength
To whatever is asked of you.
All of the surprises,
All the mysteries,
All the twists and turns
And unexpected places.
You carry the wisdom
Within you
To let it flow.

May you gift yourself
With a breath for allowing,
A gentle sweep for permission
Flowing over your hot and tender skin.
May you gift yourself
With a breath for letting go,
Watching your worries drift away into the soft exhale of the wind.
May you gift yourself
With a breath of courage,
Knowing that what your world needs
Your heart to be in it:
This fierce work
This fierce love
This whole life."  

As it is willed and practiced, with courage, grace, forgiveness, and learning, so shall it be.

Open your eyes.

h.     Ask how everyone is feeling.  Give them a few minutes if they need it.

13. (Thanking the Beings) "First, Ancestors, Nature Spirits, and Deities, we thank you for attending this rite and bestowing your guidance, inspiration, protection, and blessings."

14.  (Closing the Gates) "Gatekeeper! Guardian between our world and yours, we thank you!  Bee!  Let the gates be closed!"

15.  (Thank the Earth Mother) "Earth Mother, we thank you for sustaining us, and for allowing us to have this ritual here in this beautiful park."

16.   Firewalker:  Hand them the lit candle.  Have them blow it out and walk the space counter clockwise, "Spirits and Hidden folk, we release this sacred space back to you."  Toss cornmeal offerings.  

17.  (Closing the Rite)  "This ritual is complete!  Thank you all for attending and participating.  Yall can hang out, eat, and have divination done if you'd like, or leave."



Ar nDraiocht Fein. Our Own Druidry. 2009.

- Heath, Cat. Elves, Witches & Gods:Spinning Old Heathen Magic in the Modern Day. 2021.

- Rawlinson, Julia.  The Fox and the Falling Leaves (aka Fletcher and the Falling Leaves).  2006.

- Remer, Molly.  Goddess Devotional: A Prayerbook Honoring the Sacred.  2019.

- Three Cranes Grove, ADF
