Essay 5: 2 Powers Meditation

Essay 5: 2 Powers Meditation
By Kristy Tackett
July 9, 2024

The Two Powers Meditation is a method to help one ground and center, getting into the right headspace for ritual, spell work, divination, and whatever task requires calm and focus, be it spiritual or mundane.  It is a meditation that can help to connect, balance, and anchor a person to the waters of the Underworld and to the fires of the Heavens, while also using the waters and star fire to fill three cauldrons within us to purify, restore, and empower.  

         For many years, I always used the basic tree meditation of roots and branches to ground and anchor myself between earth and sky.  I had attempted other guided meditations in-person and online, but I struggled with them, whether it was the delivery, the script, or my ADHD–often the meditations are just too slow for my attention span.  

         Eventually, I'd find a method that worked for me called Anchoring by Kee Reiter.  Anchoring is like the Two Powers and other methods.  Kee will have you start from your Heart Center to extend energy cords down into the earth.  Once anchored into the earth, he has you come back to the heart center and extend energy cords up to the cosmos.  You return to the Heart Center and form a bubble of protection around yourself, having established a "three world anchor": Earth, You, Sky, which is very similar to the three cauldrons of the Two Powers, and the three hallows of ADF (1):

  1. Earth - The Well - Underworld - The Ancestors - Cauldron of Earth (hips)

  2. You - The Tree/Mountain - Middle World - Cauldron of the Heart (heart)

  3. Heavens - The Fire - Shining Ones  - Cauldron of Wisdom (head)

For a while, even as I began working with the Two Powers Meditation, Kee's Anchoring was the only method that worked for me.

         The Two Powers script was too wordy for my ADHD brain, so I tweaked it a little bit.  I've attended most of the Virtual Fire Proto-Grove's weekly rituals since I joined ADF a year ago today.  I struggled to connect to the Two Powers during these weekly rituals–but practice makes better!  Even though I may struggle to connect with some people, I also keep at it–we're all learning!

I didn't really connect to the meditation until one of the Clergy Moon Rites when Rev. Pagano read the Two Powers.  I was able to do the visualization and feel the energy.  It inspired me to keep trying–keep tweaking the scripts until it flowed better for me.  Now after months of practice, I can do it myself without a script or audio.  I can see it, feel it, and it definitely helps to calm me for whatever task is at hand.  It's another great grounding method in my spirit bag.


  1. Ar nDraiocht Fein.  Our Own Druidry: An Introduction to Ar nDraiocht Fein and the Druid Path.  Pages 26, 36, 95-96.  ADF Publishing 2009.

  2. Reiter, Kee.  Wyrd Sanctuary. Embodied Intuition: Grounding & Centering. 2022.

  3. Reiter, Kee.  Youtube: Wyrd Sanctuary.  Grounding and Centering Technique: Anchoring.  2022.

  4. Three Cranes Grove: Meditations.
