Basic Seidr Practice/Study Ritual

 Basic Seidr Practice Ritual
By Foxlyn Wren
February 7, 2024
ADF COoR Style


  • Tree, Well, Fire
  • Cornmeal offerings
  • Kuksa
  • Horn of Water
  • Spirit Staff Alum
  • Prayer Beads
  • Stone Necklace
  • Elen's Wooden Blade
  • Grounding Stang
  • Spirit Breaker
  • Songbag
  • Drum
  • Singing Bowl / Sage
  • Divination tools
  • Study/practice items


Seidr Guides:

  • Freyja
  • Elen of the Ways
  • Eir / Valkyries
  • Frigg
  • Norns
  • Odin



  • Reindeer - Dark Half of the Year
  • Bee - Light Half of the Year



1.     Opening Rite: I am here to practice Seidr and to honor all my Kindreds and Spirits who guide me on this journey.

2.     Purification: In the names of Hestia, Vesta, Frigg, Hekate, and Loki, I light this sage to cleanse this space of all unwanted energies and entities, you are not welcome, and you must leave.  As it is willed, so shall it be.

3.     Inviting the Earth Mother: I call to You, Earth Mother.  You who provide us with sustenance. You who sustain us through difficult times.  You who provide us with the strength to change.  I invite you to this rite.

Earth Mother, accept this offering!

4.     Inspiration: I call to the Spirits of Inspiration.  You are invited to this rite.  May you provide clarity to my words, and guidance for better ones.  Spirits of Inspiration, accept this offering!

5.     Creating the Cosmos: Let's connect to the sacred center.
The waters support and surround us.
The land extends about us.
The sky stretches above us.
At the center burns a living flame.
And so I/we stand at the center of worlds in sacred time and space.
May my worship be true.
May my actions be just.
May my love be true.
Let's pray with a good fire.

6.     Open the Gates: Gatekeeper Reindeer/Bee!  I call to you!  Lend your aid to this work, join your magik with my own!  Aid me in opening the gates between our world and the Other.

(Touch the candle with Elen’s Blade)
May this fire become the Cosmic Fire.
(Touch the cup with Elen’s Blade)
May this cup become the Cosmic Well.
(Touch the woodblock with Elen’s Blade)
May this wood become Yggdrasil!

Reindeer/Bee, Let the Gated Be Opened!

7.     Welcome the Ancestors:  Disir!  Alfar!  Ancestors of blood, spirit, and place.  I invite you to this ritual.  Ancestors, accept this offering!

8.     Welcome the Nature Spirits:  Nature Spirits!  Beings of Flora and Fauna, Dirt and Air, Fire and Water. Entities of many names and no names.  I invite you here to this rite.  Nature Spirits, accept this offering!

9.     Welcome the Shining Ones: I call to the Shining Ones.  Entities and Energies.  Seen and Unseen.  Known and unknown.  With and without a shrine in this home. You are welcome here in this sacred space.  Shining Ones, accept this offering!

10. Welcome the Beings of the Occasion:  I now call to my Seidr Mentors: Freyja, Elen of the Ways, Eir, the Valkyries, Frigg, The Norns, and Odin.  And to my Guides and Guardians.  I welcome and honor you.  Kindreds and Spirits all, I thank you for all that you've done, do, and continue to do for myself, my family, and community. 

Kindreds and Spirits all, accept this offering!

11. Omen:  Now I ask for three messages, three blessings, from the Kindreds.
Ancestors, what is your message/blessing?
Nature Spirits, what is your message/blessing?
Seidr Mentors, what is your message/blessing?

Do I/we accept these messages?

12. Hallowing the Waters:  Hold my horn and repeat the blessings.  See these blessings filling it. 
Behold the Waters of Life!

13. The Work:  Healing, Protection, Guidance, Spirit Work, Rune Study, Runic Magi Practice, Dedication, Art, whatever The Working is.
- Trance to the Other with drumming and/or songs, Spirit Staff Alum, and Elen's Blade for practice and additional messages.

14. Thanking the Beings of the Occasion, the Shining Ones, the Nature Spirits, and the Ancestors: To all Entities and Energies who lent your love, protection, guidance, and blessings!  I thank you for attending this rite.  Stay if you want, Go if you must, Hail and Farewell!

15.  Closing the Gates:  Reindeer/Bee!  Keeper of the Gates between my world and yours, thank you for your aid and for joining your magik with mine.  Help me now to close the gates!

(Touch the Fire with Elen’s Blade)
May this Cosmic Fire be but a candle.
(Touch the Well with Elen’s Blade)
May this Cosmic Well be but a cup.
(Touch Yggdrasil with Elen’s Blade)
May Yggdrasil be but wood.

Reindeer/Bee!  Let the Gates Be Closed!

16.  Thank Inspiration:  Spirits of Inspiration, I thank you for your guidance.  Hail and farewell.

17. Thanking the Earth Mother: Earth Mother, I thank you for your support this day and every day.  Many thanks and blessings.  

18. Closing the Rite:  This rite is done.  May we all go in peace and fellowship.




·        - Ar nDraiocht Fein.  Our Own Druidry.  2009.

·        - Three Cranes Grove, ADF

·        - Virtual Fire Proto-Grove, ADF.  Round Robin Script.
