
Showing posts from August, 2024

Pagan Virtue #4: Courage

 Courage Acting appropriately in the face of adversity. Doing the right thing. Spirit of Courage by Rev. Dangler The winds of the season's change Blow through the trees and leaves. The y cry out, speaking of our place in the cycle, Telling tales of the year ahead. When the way is dark, I seek you; Spirit of Courage, the Bull in the Woods. I hear your voice, echoing in the trees. A call that stirs my heart and lifts me When all things seem too much to bear. You help me navigate change and fear, Leading me through dark forests at night. For even when I feel abandoned by friends, Your guiding light is shown to be internal. I draw that compass forth and follow you. My heart and my health are warm. Spirit of Courage, Bull of the Woods, I honor you for your guidance. Reflections : Lessening dairy in your diet.  Adding yet another dietary restriction as you learn to listen to your body and to the things that hurt you.  Getting strict with portion control.  Doing all of these things for yo

Pagan Virtue #3: Vision

 I'm actually super distracted today.  Today I totally forgot that it was even Sunday, and that I've been doing this project.  I'm deleting my Facebook account that I've had for 18 years today at the 18th hour, which is 6pm.  I've been preparing for that.  Doesn't sound like a big deal, but FB's sadly been a huge part of my life.  Lots to do.  I've been preparing for two months for this day. I've also gotten a lot done today, so the distraction hasn't been totally chaotic.  I'm also also doing a dairy detox, so my body isn't exactly happy this weekend. ---------------------------------- Vision Learning different perspectives to have  greater understanding of our place in the cosmos, relating to the past, present, and future. Spirit of Vision by Rev. Dangler I call to the Spirit of Vision, Who brightens the eye In the swirling and opaque mists Let me see clearly when the veil is hard to piece! You who ignite my focus, Making the important

Piety Reflection: Stepping Out of My Own Way

Ooof, how could I mess this one up? I said that August Rodan--one of my favorite sculptors--sculpted one of my favorite sculptures (say that five times fast), The Pieta . Nope, it was Michelangelo. Apparently that's one of those things that my brain thought wasn't important to know and deleted it to make room for other stuff. ------------------------ The week of Piety was interesting.  I was dealing with a lot of pain week due to over indulgence, and a lot of praying.  My gods have told me to ask for more help from them, instead of dealing with it all myself.  So I listened and I asked. After some offerings and promises made, They really did deliver.   Usually when I try to do healing magik on myself, it doesn't always work because of self doubt.   I worked the healing magik with Them, which I always do for others.  I tried different methods and eliminated that negative self-talk that tends to plague my life.  I drew runes on the area that was hurting, and did some galdr

Pagan Virtue #2: Piety

 Aug 7 Last night for Virtual Fire, I did the Omen--it was a memorable one.  To see it, click here .  It's also on the Virtual Fire Ritual Omen Discord. In other awesome news, I passed my Three Kindreds essay, you can find it in my Dedicant Path Essays .  Now I'm just waiting for hear about the 2 Powers essay. ------------------------------------------ Forgot to post that.  Oh well!  Onward! ---------------------------------------- A couple of years ago, I did a Rune Deep Dive with the Wyrd Sanctuary, where we spent 3 -7 days on each rune.  For many of us we lived those runes, too.  Truly felt and experienced each of the Elder Futhark and deepened our understanding.  It was a powerful time with lots of unexpected lessons.   Since that Deep Dive, I tend to do this with other divination systems...and I'm doing it with the Pagan Virtues.  Last week was Wisdom, and it was a week of that Virtue.  This week is Piety, and as a Pious Pagan who's a "godphone", I'm

Pagan Virtue #1: Wisdom

  When I travel, I like to bring my study material with me.  On Saturday, I decided to re-start working on the 9 Pagan Virtues.  I started on them last year, working with Garanis and tarot cards.  I wrote reflections and attempted to write my first essay.  The essay wasn't all that successful, but I kept at it over the months, while also focusing on other essays.  Even though these Virtues were very similar to the Maxims that I picked and followed, clearly I needed to spend more time with them. I plan on spending a week with each Virtue. Over the weekend, I began with Wisdom.  I wrote down the meaning from Our Own Druidry .  I wrote down my own shorter interpretation, and I wrote down Spirit of Wisdom by Rev. Dangler.  I sat with these words for a bit, then I started reflecting and just writing down whatever came to me. Wisdom Don't be reactive Pick Your Battles Listen to understand, not to Respond Spirit of Wisdom By Rev. Dangler I followed the path down to the waters, Meeti