
Showing posts from March, 2024

Those Tree Climbin' Fish

 Ugh, dyslexia is so annoying.  Here I am struggling to read and take notes on A Brief History of The Druids by Peter Berresford Ellis and Gods and Myths of Northern Europe  by H.R. Ellis Davidson, thinking that one's for the Indo-European book review and the other is for the ethnic study, only to realize that they're both for the same category. Well, I know which one I'm picking for the ethnic study book review, the one that I'm actually enjoying, the second one. Now to see if I can actually read the first one without the pressure.  Those celtic names and words significantly slowed my dyslexic ass down.  Despite my dyslexia, I'm actually a fast reader--now I may not comprehend everything I'm reading, but that would be true if I was a slow reader too.  Dyslexia's a pain in the brain.   However, I've been studying Norse paganism and history since about 2020, so I'm far more familiar with it than Druidry.   These book reviews have been difficult for m

Blessed Equinox!

On Sunday I attended Three Cranes Grove's Spring Equinox rite-- Anestheria , a Hellenic festival honoring Dionysus and Ariadne's marriage.  Being congested, I attended via Zoom, and it was a lovely ritual.  I had never heard of the Anestheria until this month, which is funny because I used to be a Hellenic Polytheist, AND I'm a godspouse and Maenad of Dionysus and a Priestess of Ariadne (albeit the Minoan Ariadne, not Hellenic).  So that was fun to attend.  One of the members read a version of Their love story that I hadn't heard either--well, the after events of Ariadne leaving the island that She was abandoned on in the myths.   Of Her being killed, Dionysus travels to the Underworld and asks Persephone for His love back.  Ariadne becomes immortal and Her crown--I think--is turned into a constellation.  The versions that I'm familiar with, Ariadne sometimes dies on the island, sometimes not--either way, Dionysus falls in love with Her, and makes Her immortal. It a

The Hearth Keepers Way

 I started re-reading The Fire on Our Hearth: A Devotional of Three Cranes Grove, ADF and  The Hearth Keepers Way  this week.  Rev. Avende recently sent me my Hearth Keeper certificate, and I hung it over our Family's shrine.  Today, I decided to connect our hearth to others of ADF, using the ritual on page 22 of HKW.  I'd taken the oath a few months ago, but didn't perform the ritual.  Decided today was a good day for it. It was a spontaneous decision.  I already have close relationships with my Hearth Entities, and I'm already a Hearth Keeper of Hestia.  I wanted to join ours spiritually and energetically with others of ADF, to strengthen the community and our connections to the Kindreds. I selected a candle that I had already dedicated to my Hearth Deities--Hestia, Vesta, the Vestals, Hekate, Frigg, Loki, and Those known and unknown, with and without a shrine in our home.  It's also the first candle that we bought when we moved here in the fall of 2022.  For a l

Spring Altar

Yesterday I redid my ADF altar.  As mentioned in my essay Home Shrines , this one sits in my office, right next to my pc.  I have ADHD, so it's helpful to have this altar right here, because I'm an out-of-sight-out-of-mind person.  I have shrines and altars throughout my home--in sight.  I didn't want to lose motivation, so I put this one where I spend a lot of my time.  I also change up most of my altars and shrines seasonally.   I switched out the altar cloths and the Reindeer for the Rabbit, dusted, and cleansed.  From fall to spring, Reindeer is my Gatekeeper.  Apparently in springtime, at least early spring, Rabbit is the Gatekeeper (I want to get a Hare figure someday because I connect better with that type of rabbit).  From the time that I joined in July last year, until fall, the Gatekeeper was Honey Bee, and I know they're going to be again, I don't don't know when yet.   I tend to ask or wait and see what entities want to be featured in my rituals, the

With the Wind

 Today's a little chilly in Ohio, like mid 50's, with a strong wind.  I grabbed my spirit staff, a pair of socks, and my jacket, and walked to the back of the house.  We have a neighbor on the other side of the fence with a pond (the pond is by the fence, between our homes).  I went to the back and stood on the little hill, facing the pond, and greeted the Nature Spirits.  The wind was blowing harder on this side of the house, and I've been a little bit more wibbly since being diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my knee in November.  I planted my staff in front of me with both hands, and closed my eyes. After a few seconds, despite the hard blowing wind, I heard footsteps walk up to me.  I opened my eyes, expecting to see a neighbor or a kid, but was startled by the antlers of my staff instead.  I laughed and closed my eyes again.   I saw a crow's skull from the inside looking out.  My sight wasn't human sight.  It was crow.  A little disorienting, but not my first tim

A Kindof Intro

There we go, a fresh new blog for my druidry adventures.  I already have a lot on my main blog, Book of Mirrors , and just felt like giving--at least my Dedicant Path stuff it's own space.  That blog has been "Book of Mirrors" since day one of blogspot for me, back in 2011.  Other have come and gone, such as my old wordpress From the Mud, which was about healing, a weight loss and belly dance blog (Dancing Nymph), and another.  I do still having my pagan parenting blog, although it's not as active as BOM.  Book of Mirrors has stayed constant and active.  I read and research a lot, and I write a lot too.  I don't share quite as much as I used to, but I still write.  BOM as of late has become a bit of a catch-all.  I wanted my druid stuff to be separate.  There may still be some overlap, but that happens. Introduction time, is it?  I'm not great at intros, so bear with me.  I'm Kristy, my spiritual name is Foxlyn Wren, or Fox for short.  I'm married with