A Change of Plans

 Ugh I've been in Grief City lately.  Dealing with world grief, mom grief, and business grief.  My business is changing and parts of me feel like a failure.  However I'm pruning my weaknesses to focus on my strengths.  Yesterday while packing up my failures, Ingwaz rolled out from my business bookcase, basically saying things will get better.  

Still okay to grieve, just not dwell and lose sight of these necessary business changes.

With my mom, I just put her memorial stuff into a physical photo album, which felt good, then opened up some grief that I wasn't expecting.

As for World Grief, all I can say with conviction is May the Ides Repeat.  But its great to be some political resistance and fight coming from people with power and money in this country and other countries.  I ain't even mad at other countries for how they feel about America at the moment, nor their actions.  I'm furious, too.  Fuck Fafnir Smaug and Muck, and all of their cowardly minions.

Let's move away, because I've also been feeling The Melissae calling.  They want me to read up on Bee Folklore and focus on Them for the Spring Equinox this year.  Usually I focus on Persephone and/or Dionysus' Return from the Underworld.  Nah, it's the Bees who're returning from their the underworld, from Their dark cave hives returning to the surface, to the flowers and the sunlight.  

In the Summer, Hekate said to Trust in Joy.  Trust in Sunna.  Follow Sunna.  Enough Shadow Work, time for healing in the sunlight.  Follow the Bees.  Follow the Melissae.  

In some myths, Bees are both Psychopomps and Souls of the Dead.  In other myths, Bees are related to the Sun.  Nourishing richness, life giving creatures.

So I'm excited to be honoring The Melissae this Equinox.

- Dedicant and Hearth Keeper, Foxlyn
