
The Cauldron and The Sight

I did omen last night for Virtual Fire's weekly rite.  Last night was a cauldron ritual honoring Cerridwen.  I think the last cauldron rite was done by the same person...maybe...either way it was my second one.  I don't work with my cauldrons as often as I used to.  I have two.  One in the traditional shape and one for camping.  The camping one I use for the Norse offerings and hearth magiks.  The other big one just sits on my counter, by my teas.  I need to clean it up, because at our last place the sink had a bad leak and the Just-In-Case of leaks bowl (because that bitch leaked a lot) had moved, so my cauldron got a lot of water damage.  It's really rusted on the inside.  It's cast iron, so I'm not sure if I need to take some steel wool to it or what, or just retire it.  I need to look it up.   I was raised around iron cast cookware, but never taught how to care for it.  I know for unrusted, you heat it up in the oven and use oil to season it, but never soap and
 I'm still around.  I've been taking Moderation to heart.  Last Sunday I was working at Pagan Fest, and yesterday I went to the zoo.  Today is my brother's birthday and tomorrow is my mom's 1 year death anniversary.  Normally I'd be trying to do everything and blog. It's all just much, ya know? Moooooderation. Be well!

Pagan Virtue #8: Moderation

 Moderation Do not over/under indulge Spirit of Moderation by Rev. Dangler Firmly placed, set within the bosom of the Earth, I stand upon firm foundation. The rock of moderation is fertile ground That offers me lessons I honor. Upon this rock, I learn Self-Discipline; Reminded to trust myself and my fellows, I let go of judgement and fear. Moderation, keep my hand firmly in control. When I pause, reflecting, you bring to light The stillness and center the cosmos offers. From within, I remind myself to hold to Reliability, And to be that rock for others when the seas are rough. No matter the storm or winds I encounter, I return to you, Moderation, To find understanding joy in the ordinary. Reflections and Notes: Hellenic Pillar of Metriotes - Everything in moderation. Hellenic Pillar of Sophrosune - Self Discipline. The witch rune Crossroads - Rune of Decisions, and for me over time, Self Discipline. Dionysus, a god of many things, especially Moderation.  I know many addicts who've

Leaf, Antler, and Fog

  Persephone's Descent ritual last night went really well.  It finally rained--during the Three Cranes Grove ritual.  During the Hallowing of the Waters, my kids and I were outside dancing in the sprinkles, yelling at the sky, "KINDREDS AND SPIRITS ALL, GIVE US THE WATERS!"  We finally got lot of rain after weeks of drought! I did the ritual inside, and due to space, I didn't have as many items on the altar. Changes: Inside Off the ground Hestia got dried rosemary offering instead of salted flour Bee got plain sugar instead of sugar water Persephone picked the Elder Futhark runes instead of any of the Greek or neutral divination tools I have. I played music in the beginning--Mama Gina's Persephone . With the ritual script on my phone and DSLR by my side, the ritual went a little something like this: I began the rite with lights on, and Mama Gina's Persephone playing on the altar. When I invited Hestia, I turned off the room light and opened that copper color

Pagan Virtue #7: Hospitality

 Hospitality Being a welcome and thankful host. Spirit of  Hospitality by Rev. Dangler Welcoming, opening, drawing them in, We see ourselves in others, their presence a blessing. No matter where we have come from or where we reside, We ask that the stranger sit at our table. Our home is a blessing of refuge, Where any may be welcomed. It turns no one away who is hurting, For our fire is warmest when fed by friendship. Spirit of  Hospitality, let us be good hosts! Help us open to all, no matter their roots. Spirit of  Hospitality, let us be good guests! Help us to remember those whose land this was! Open to us that we may open to others, In memory, in joy, and in fellowship. So be it. Reflections and Notes Xenia - Hellenic Pillar of Hospitality My Hearth Entities: Hestia-Vesta, Vestals, Hekate, Frigg, Loki, Frau Holle, Tomten, Nisse, and the Disir (and perhaps some of the Alfar, but I can only see the Disir at this point). My parents didn't teach me a lot about cooking or cleaning,

Ritual Thinkin

 The depression is lifting a bit, I'm not so down in the dumps.  Last night during Virtual Fire's Hellenic Culture ritual--led by Pete--he asked me what deities were present.  I had declined doing the omen this round, but deities stepped forward: Loki (the spice of ritual life), Heimdall, Frigg, the Doe Persephone, Venus, and a few Others that I can't remember right now.  Pete also felt Hekate and had dogs barking outside.  I also felt Freyja and another Priest mentioned Her.  Others invited Hel, Cernunnos, Athena, a couple of Others.  Then I kept seeing the symbols of a Brown Bear, a Red Lush Rose, and Gold.  Don't know what they meant, but someone suggested possibly Aphrodite?  I think another attendee did mention Her.  Maybe.  I didn't get any additional info, so.  *shrug* The full moon is coming up, and the Fall Equinox, too.  I thought about volunteering for a ritual week before/week of the equinox honoring Persephone's Descent, but alas, those two days wer

Pagan Virtue #6: Integrity

  Integrity Being trustworthy and honorable. Spirit of Integrity by Rev. Dangler Establishing the whole from many parts, Drawing together the constituent fragments, Completing and maintaining the structure of the cosmos Spirit of Integrity, I call to you. There are times when the world seems That it cannot be held together; That the scaffolding may collapse, And that we may fall again to each. But we also know that we are in control; Our word remakes the world when kept, Our service will steady us against howling winds, And our community reinforces us. Spirit of Integrity, stand firm with us And remake my world through solidarity. Well, I've been in a bit of a depressive slump these last few days.  Weather change, possibly.  Although I do love the cooler fall weather, which we had one day last weekend, this both days this weekend.  Yesterday, I was bundled up, wrapped in a throw that I had made, while crocheting a toy for one of my kids, out on the deck.  It was nice, all that was

Another Essay Checked Off the List

 Yay I got an email this morning about passing Essay #5 - 2 Powers Meditation .  So happy.  Technically, I'm working on all of the other essays, but actively I'm working on the Pagan Virtues and the Book Reviews.  If you're following recently, I'm 5 weeks into my Pagan Virtues Deep Dive project.  I've finished reading Being a Pagan and have written a rough draft, so far. I've made an attempt of the both High Day essays, which I thought would've been finished first, but they're all in various stages.  Which is odd, because I love the high days and I love writing and performing rites for them.  Figured that I'd be good and done by now, but I've tweaked the 8 days so much over the years to better suit my beliefs, that I can't really remember what they originally mean.  What's original and what's mine?  Then there's some original days that I can't click with, like Imbolc and Lughnasadh, namely because they celebrate deities that

Pagan Virtue #5: Perseverance

My life is this Virtue--which is true for most people.  Perseverance for me takes the animal spirit form of the Mountain Goat and Mouflon Ram.  The American Bison comes forward, too.  Long time spirit companions.  Learning how to climb the mountains of life.  Who better to show how-to than mountain climbers (save for the Bison, who deals more with flatter lands, but strong winds and ice caked fur)? Foot falls, slips, mistakes, successes, dealing with weather and predator chaos, healing, resting, drama with other climbers.   Navigating the Chaos--which concerning chaos, I see rough waters more than mountains.  I see Loki and Laguz.  Going with the flow, instead of resisting and drowning, even if you have to white knuckle that raft.   Hanging on. Perseverance has been huge in my healing and shadow work journey.  I'm think now I'm kind of on the other side of that.  Not done by any means--still lots of healing and growth to be done--but it's not as heavy as before.  I've w

Pagan Virtue #4: Courage

 Courage Acting appropriately in the face of adversity. Doing the right thing. Spirit of Courage by Rev. Dangler The winds of the season's change Blow through the trees and leaves. The y cry out, speaking of our place in the cycle, Telling tales of the year ahead. When the way is dark, I seek you; Spirit of Courage, the Bull in the Woods. I hear your voice, echoing in the trees. A call that stirs my heart and lifts me When all things seem too much to bear. You help me navigate change and fear, Leading me through dark forests at night. For even when I feel abandoned by friends, Your guiding light is shown to be internal. I draw that compass forth and follow you. My heart and my health are warm. Spirit of Courage, Bull of the Woods, I honor you for your guidance. Reflections : Lessening dairy in your diet.  Adding yet another dietary restriction as you learn to listen to your body and to the things that hurt you.  Getting strict with portion control.  Doing all of these things for yo