
The First Day of Summer Will Soon Be Here!

The Summer Solstice is in a couple of days and I'm excited. I've been feeling the Norse Solar Goddess Sunna poking at me over the last few months. I'm working on a kid-friendly ritual to honor Her with my family, without the wasps and sudden possession this time! Yes, last year, I hosted a Summer Solstice ritual with a local group (before I had joined ADF).  We had the ritual in a shelter at Delaware State Park (Ohio) and I was unknowingly standing under a wasp nest that was beneath a sign.  I was stung 5 times--once on my thumb and 4 on my thigh.  Some of the attendees were surprised by how I handled it.  I wasn't crying, cursing, or hating the wasps or myself.  After some ice and a few minutes to sit, I just moved the altar and continued.  Don't get me wrong, it hurt!  But whether I was sitting or performing the rite, it'd still be hurting, so I decided to go on with ritual that I had worked so hard on planning.  Honestly, the worst part of the stings came in

How My Vestalia is Going & A Book Review

 This is a Copy/Paste from my Hearth Fox Blog : Boo! I've been sick this Vestalia and haven't been able to do my usual stuff, minus a deep spiritual cleanse of my home and a re-warding. First I cleansed my home by asking the Norse Solar Goddess Sunna to cleanse my property and vehicle with sunlight. Then I went inside and opened the windows and curtains for that spring breeze and sunshine. The weather has actually been pretty nice this Vestalia, with temps in the 60's-75F. I've been spending a lot of time outside resting, reading, and crocheting. Inside, I lit the sage bundle by saying, "In the names of Hestia-Vesta and the Vestals, I light this sage to cleanse my home of all unwanted energies and entities. You are not wanted here and must leave!" I walked my home counterclockwise to banish those unwanted energies. Then I declared what energies and entities are welcome. I cleansed the home again with energy, to get those pesky nooks and crannies, like

The Vestalia Begins!

( Copy/paste from my Hearth Fox Blog )  The Vestalia is a Roman festival honoring the Hearth and Home Goddess and the Living Flame Vesta; I also honor the Greek Hearth and Home Goddess Hestia and the spirits of the Vestals.  I've been celebrating this holy time for a few years, since learning about it back in the early 2010's, when I was exploring Roman and Greek Paganism.  The festival is from June 7th to the 15th.  This is one of my most important holy times, especially now as a Priestess of Hestia-Vesta (a Hearth Keeper for Hestia and a Vestal for Vesta--Their words, not mine).   You may notice that I often hyphenate Their names, because sometimes They appear as one goddess and other times as two, purely a personal choice, not a historical one. My Vestalia Shrine. June 9, 2023 Starting in the back, left to right: a statue inherited from my grandmother representing family love, a satchel of my kids' altar stuff, a red protection satchel sitting in a bowl one of my kids

Submitted and Mostly Done

 There we go, not only did I submit Essay #9 on Friday, but I just mostly finished my Vestalia ritual, which can be found in the  Rituals page .  It is  mostly  done, I just have to figure out the Working part, other than blessing black salt and sprinkling it about my property part.  Oh, and also find a Vesta prayer that I like for this rite.  Because this is my 10th Vestalia, I want to do something else special for it.  Maybe a re-dedication to Vesta and the Vestals?  Or perform some divination and see what They want from me.  I'm already a Hearth Keeper for Hestia and a Vestal--seems that as such I should probably ask what They all want.   I won't be doing the ritual until the 9th, so I have some time to think. Once the essay gets approved, I'll post it on the Dedicant Path Essays page, too.  I hope it gets reviewed soon.  I need to know if it passes before I start on the next.  I spent a month working Essay 9, mostly because of writer's block and overthinking.  I'

Doing Rituals

 On Memorial Day, one of my friends cat died suddenly and traumatically due to a pre-existing heart condition, I believe they said.  I wrote a Cat Memorial Rite and performed it the other night.  I tried to do a FB Live in our study group, but my internet connection wasn't very good, so after the third try, I decided to just record and post. The first attempt of the rite was a lot better than the recording.  The recording was also very casual because I've known this person since high school.  I personally prefer a little bit of humor in my death (and it's a decision that I don't just make on my own)--and with my friend, I asked about some silly things about her cat, Minion.  Cutesy names, typical annoying asshole cat shit, good memories.  I talked a bit about my experience with cats and spirits pets, as well as with grief.  I tried to balance the silly with the serious.  There was a lot of off-script talk about grief, too, and about pets and family.   This is my first

Hail Sister Moon! Hail Loki!

 First, Blessed Full Moon, yall! Second, look at what arrived yesterday! SnakeCharmerArt For the psychic part of my business, I accept cash and trades.  Usually for non-local strangers, the trade option is my Amazon Wishlist (wish I could do an Etsy wishlist!  I heard they have a mobile app, but I hate dealing with my phone).  But this artist reached out to me asking to trade art for a reading.  After mulling it over and talking to my guides, I decided to take a chance, after all they were taking one on me. I'm really glad that I did.  Cameron was wonderful for work with.  Given that I had never traded art for a reading, I gave them mostly free range for this piece.  They said that they were trained in digital and other mediums.  I said that I love bright colors, Loki and/or a fox, and whatever size and medium they wanted to do.   Yesterday came a little cute fox drawing on the envelope and this high quality, approx 8.5x11 inch piece of Loki.  Also, the foxes eyes are a lot like mi

Happy World Bee Day!

  Today I honor all Bee Entities, Pollinators, and Ethical Beekeepers! - Dedicant and Hearth Keeper Foxlyn -