
Showing posts from January, 2025

Midwinter Script is Posted

I just finished the script for my Midwinter Ritual for tomorrow.  You can read it here . I turned in Essay 2 on Jan 28th--the one about the High Days.  Once I got the ball rolling and got out of my own head, it was easy, although I ran into a couple of issues with the Summer Solstice and Lughnasadh, in terms of reaching that 125 word limit.  I checked out a few different sources for information--druid and other--not many of them had much to say either!   As I've mentioned before, I celebrate my High Days differently from the general groups, secular and non.  Apparently I don't have 125 words for celebrating Sunna, and I honor Bee Entities on August 1st, with energy that's more focused on the sweetness of life and preparing ones mental state for the upcoming winter, instead of typical harvest and celebration energies. Imbolc wasn't as annoying, I'll say, as in the past.  Brigit recently joined my Personal Pantheon, so I've been reading up on Her here an...

My Sacred Wheel: Midwinter

  I’ve been walking the path of pagan and witch for over 30 years, and during these decades, my path has changed many times. I’m very eclectic, and also mostly Kindred taught (Ancestors, Nature Spirits, Deities). I study what They lead me to. Some of it is just to learn more about other traditions and cultures, and some of it is to practice, be that practice temporary or long term. A lot of things have changed, and some have stayed the same for the most part. One of the major things that seems to change every year are my holy/high days. I’m a big believer in that if a holiday or whatever one wants to call it isn’t fun or has lost its meaning—you just don’t connect to it—CHANGE IT, so it does hold meaning to you or just do nothing. There’s no rule saying that you  have to  observe and celebrate holy days, depending on your path. Who cares if a day isn’t  ancient ? Ancient doesn’t mean better. Does it mean something to you? No? Screw it, either toss it, tweak it, or in...

Focus on Growth

  I hope yall're staying grounded, shielded, hydrated, and are remembering to breathe.  I also hope that you're unplugging and taking necessary breaks from social media and the "news".  I hope you have something to focus on this year, be it a goal, deity given, or whatever.  Something to distract from things that we cannot change, that we have no control over.   I'm not saying to turn your back on anyone or fill your world with illusions, but the media ain't our friends.  Dirty, fearmongering, hate, disinformation.  When I was spiraling after that Project 2025 big reveal over the summer, my Kindreds said that I was stressing over speculation.  Knock it off.  Stay away from politics.  Let those who're capable, who have the resources, skills, and connections handle the political magiks.  My strengths lay elsewhere.  They said that I needed to focus on joy, Sunna--The Sun, and trusting my own intuition.  They also gave m...

The Cailleach's Message

(Also posted on Hearth Fox Oracle and Book of Mirrors) Last night I was working on writing a Midwinter (Feb 1st) ritual.  I have one that I wrote for my family last year, but I hardly ever use the same script.  Last year, my family focused on Cailleach and how soon spring would return.  This year I'm feeling a pull to Elen of the Ways, or as my guides named her the "Antlered  Guidess ". As I was writing it, I kept seeing this Antlered Goddess, whom I am a priestess of.  She wanted to focus on guiding.  Okay, I needed more details, so I got out my Imbolc Oracle deck (by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz).  A card jumped from the deck.  I drew one more. Bloodstone and Aquarius.  Ignoring the truth and the need to surrender is what I gathered from these cards.   I asked aloud, "So yall want me to focus on truth for this rite?" Then Someone spoke through me using the keyboard (so gracefully, too, as if They were playing a piano.  ...

Uruz Gateway

Jan 2 Gentle New Year, yall. Last night my grove had a New Year rite, where they honored Hestia, Janus, and Athena. Someone else did the omen, which was nice, because it allowed me to get into a posture that I've been using for a while. One of my astral forms, I'm floating or hovering, with a root anchoring me to the ground. So I sit with my right foot touching the ground and the left leg folded up to my body. Last year, whenever I meditated or tranced, I used that posture for grounding and journeying. It's about liminal spaces, one foot in, one foot out. Also anchoring between earth and sky. The other part of my posture is to have my Spirit Stick resting upright between my legs, for the seidr part of my practice. To continue to form that bond between me and Alum. The last part is holding prayer beads in my left hand and my wooden knife in my right hand, arms spread, palms up. The whole thing kind of reminds me of Cernunnos' sitting posture, which wasn't on...