Midwinter Script is Posted
I just finished the script for my Midwinter Ritual for tomorrow. You can read it here . I turned in Essay 2 on Jan 28th--the one about the High Days. Once I got the ball rolling and got out of my own head, it was easy, although I ran into a couple of issues with the Summer Solstice and Lughnasadh, in terms of reaching that 125 word limit. I checked out a few different sources for information--druid and other--not many of them had much to say either! As I've mentioned before, I celebrate my High Days differently from the general groups, secular and non. Apparently I don't have 125 words for celebrating Sunna, and I honor Bee Entities on August 1st, with energy that's more focused on the sweetness of life and preparing ones mental state for the upcoming winter, instead of typical harvest and celebration energies. Imbolc wasn't as annoying, I'll say, as in the past. Brigit recently joined my Personal Pantheon, so I've been reading up on Her here an...